39. Since When?

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"So what's going on here? Y'all together or something?" You could hear the confusion in her voice as she pointed at us.

With a deep breath I nodded. "Yes we're together."

Her eyebrows raised. "How long?"

I bit my lip reluctantly answering. "Jamaica."

She gasped. "Since Jamaica?! And you didn't tell me?"

"I know, I'm sorry. We didn't want to say anything because we were just seeing how things were going at first."

She stood there quietly then rolled her eyes. "Ugh. I wanna be mad but I don't at the same time."

"I'm sorry Remi. Please don't be mad."

She sighed but came to hug me nonetheless. "I'm so happy for y'all big head asses." She let me go and smiled. "You got a lot of questions to answer."

Grabbing my hand she started towards her room.

"You must be forgetting we got finals today." August said getting up from my bed.

She groaned. "Aw damn. It slipped my mind for a second."

"I didn't." I sighed. "I don't feel like taking them."

"Me either but we might as well get it over with. Now where is my flat iron? I need to finish getting ready."

"Oh my bad." I walked to my dresser and grabbed it. "I forgot to put it back."

"I figured that. I'll be done in a few. Text me if you leave."

"Alright I will."

When she walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind her I let out a sigh. "Well that went better than I thought it would."

He nodded and stood up. "Now we gotta tell Shaun."

I laughed. "No we don't. I bet she's telling him right now if she hasn't already."

"You right."

His phone vibrated on the bed causing him to look over.

Shaking his head he looked back at me. "It's Shaun."

My eyebrows raised. "Told you."

He laughed before picking it up and replying. "He mad."

"He'll be fine."

August sighed before letting out a groan. "Damn he bouta blow it."

I laughed and kissed his cheek. "Babe relax he's not that bad." Grabbing my keys, phone, and headphones I headed to the door. "You ready?"

He nodded. "Yeah let's go."

He grabbed my hand and held the door open for me then locked it behind us. Together we exited the building making our way to the dreaded finals.


As expected finals were terribly long and boring and I was more than happy that they were over. Well the hard ones anyway. I have a photography final and an English final left. I lone both so I'm not complaining too much. This was the last thing I had to do in photography before being placed in the advanced class.

I was excited about that but I was even more excited that my internship started next week as well. I had been working hard and counting down the days until I would finally be able to start. Hopefully this will be exactly what I need to become a professional photographer.

"So let's go hoe. Give us the answers we been waiting for."

I groaned as Remi and Shaun sat down across from me. I was in the cafeteria waiting for Anthony. His class was further from here than mine so I wait for him most days but today might be different.

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