36. Bad Memories

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••3 Days Later••

We just touched down at the hotel in New Orleans. The place I was raised since I was twelve, found my best friends, and gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. They're were a lot of memories I left here when I left. Most were good but they're were of course some bad ones too. I'd rather not talk about those though.

"Are you ok mommy?"

I looked down at her and smiled. "I'm fine. You tired yet?"

She laughed. "Nope!"

"You sure? You didn't even sleep on the plane ride."

She shook her head. "I'm not tired at all."

I grabbed a bag of chips from the small bag and handed them to her. "Well I'm very proud of you. Do you know why?"

She nodded and smiled. "It's because I was being a big girl on the big scary plane. But I wasn't scared at all mommy."

"That's good because in a couple days we have to get on another one."

"Its ok because I'm a big girl remember?"

I smiled trying not to get emotional. "Yep, mommy's big girl. Now give me some love."

She hopped down off the bed and came to where I was sitting by our suitcases. We kissed each other on both cheeks then gave each other a butterfly kiss.

"Love you always forever mommy."

I hugged her and kissed her forehead. "I love you always and forever Avy."

A knock on the door came seconds later. When I looked up I saw Ant.

"Uh Ion mean to interrupt but da pizza hea."

I nodded and let Avy go. "You can go ahead Aves."

"Ok. Hey Antny."

He smiled. "Hey princess."

She skipped passed him leaving the room. I sighed and stood up wiping my hands on my sweatpants.

"What's wrong love?"

I shook my head. "Nothing I'm fine. It's just my mind keeps overflowing with memories. It's a bit overwhelming you know?"

He walked towards me and wrapped me in his arms. "It's gon be ok. I know how you feel."

I nodded. "I think it's because we just got here. I'll be fine in a little while."

He softly kissed my lips putting me at ease instantly. He looked at me for a while, his eyes reassuring me that everything was gonna be fine.

I got you. Was what they were telling me.

I smiled a little and laid my head on his chest. "I know you do."

He kissed the top of my head. "Come on let's go get some pizza. I know yo ass hungry."

I smiled glad that he lifted the mood a little. "Please tell me you got pepperoni."

"Who would I be if I didn't?"

"You sure you wanna have this conversation again?"

He smacked his teeth causing me to laugh.

"If you leave me you die. Period."

We began walking out of the room. "Ok August."

He chuckled. "Aight you can think I'm playin' if you want. Yo ass gon be onna back of a damn milk carton."

"Nobody's leaving anybody. So be quiet."

"Glad to know whea ya head at." He said in a serious tone.

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