Chapter 55

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[Okay, I said I'd end this at chapter 55. Here we are and I'm getting closer. Won't be chapter 55 but it's gonna be before 60. I can tell already. Just hold tight. The end is near. ~LG~]

I heard the machines beeping. I felt Colby's hand in mine. I heard him praying for me.

"Dear God, let them all be okay. I couldn't stand losing them. I love them and when she wakes up, I want to marry Lindsay so bad."

I awoke to his hand on my heart.

"Te quiero mucho mi niña hermosa. ¿Quieres casarte conmigo?"

[I love you so much my beautiful girl. Will you marry me?]

I looked at him beneath my drooping eyes.

"I don't know what you just said but yeah."

"You'd marry me because I love you." He said.

"Oh, I was hoping it was something along that line otherwise I'd be all sorts of confused."

He just laughed at me. The doctor came into the room.

"Hello, Miss Sutton. I'm pleased to tell you that you and the girls are safe. However, I highly recommend that you deliver them soon.

I started to panic.

"Is that safe for them?"


I looked at Colby.

"Who brought you here?" I asked.

"Jon. He drives worse than he does playing the John Cena Grand Tourismo rip off game on his phone."

I tried not to laugh. I failed and laughed loudly as I felt a gush of liquid down my leg. Thankfully, the doctor noticed.

"We might not have to worry about delivering them any sooner than tonight. I do believe, Miss Sutton, that your water broke."

I panicked. Colby was right there with me.

"No matter what happens, Bug. I'm here."

Jon sat out in the lobby as Brie, Nikki, Layla and Jo Jo came to see me.

"Where's Lindsay? Jerry told us she's here."

"She's being seen by a doctor. They told her anytime she could have the girls. I'm just waiting for Co-Jack to come out and tell me."

Colby sat back as they prepped me to deliver the first twin.

"Which one is coming out, Bug?"

"I don't know which one. I'm just gonna..."

I felt a contraction. It hurt like nothing else. I placed a death grip on Colby's arm as I pushed hard. I panted as soon as I felt it pass.

"I think Elena is gonna be first, Colby. I just need a break."

I took a deep breath as Colby went out to talk to Jon. By the time he came out to Jon. Nikki, Brie, Layla, Jo Jo, Bryan, Matt,

Nick and Joe waited for him.

"So, are you a father yet?" Joe asked.

"Her water broke. We're waiting on contractions. She just had the last one. The nurse is timing them so I think I should head back. I'll keep you posted."

"Good Luck, Lopez!" Everyone cheered.

He made his way back into the room and I felt amazingly tired. I had pushed once more in his absence. The contractions were now less than seven minutes apart and I begged for mercy. I wanted it to end. He held my hand.

A Chink in the Armor (WWE Fan Fic)#Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now