1//New beginning

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A new group were arriving at the gates of Alexandria Safe Zone, they had been out there for a while. They were lucky to meet a man named Aaron , a recruiter fro ASZ and were able to find a safe haven.

They were arriving at the gates, these weren't just people they had meet on the road. There were people who have completely different personalities. There were Adults, Teenagers, babies, people of different race, they all had their own back story; but they were a strong group of people, they were a family.

On arrival one of Alexandria's own was hiding out in a burnt down house just outside the gates watching the new comers, this was Enid. She's was just like them, she was from the outside and she was strong. She enjoys sneaking out over the walls.

The leader of this group was Rick, he'd been through a lot He has a Teenage who has been brought up fighting in this awful world his name was Carl, he was strong just like Enid. He had a baby girl called Judith.

Michonne wants to give Alexandria a shot so that their family can be safe, but Rick isn't very convinced this place will work out, he's sceptical.

A/N So this I the very first chapter of the new 'book' it's just an introduction so that's why it's so short.

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