45//Plan B

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I flutter open my eyes and look up to see Carl looking down at me and smiling, his bright blue orb looking down at me as his hand strokes my head which is laying on his lap. He leans down and kisses my forehead, "Hey" He whispers, sending shivers down my spine.

"Hi." I say sitting up.

"Be careful Enid, you just had a caesarean." Carol says from behind me.

I sit up fully, I can only feel a faint pain in my stomach but it's nothing that I can't handle. I look out of the window and see that we're driving down a long highway, the sun is going down.

"How long was I asleep?" I ask.

"Not long, maybe an hour." Carl says.

"Ya'll we're getting close, we'll keep driving into the night." Abraham yells from up front.

The RV suddenly comes to a stop and the doors open up, Eugene, Morgan, Eric, Jesus, Olivia and Tara holding Judith came walking in, Carl jumps up and runs over to Judith and scoops her up in his arms, "Buba." He coos and she giggles.

Tara walks to the back of the RV into the bedroom and gasps when she walks in , "Uh guys, there's a baby back here, did you know?" She says walking back out to where we are.

"Yeah that's mine and Carl's." I say, she knits her eyebrows together.

"You had a baby?!" Olivia almost yells, walking over to me and hugging me as I'm unable to stand.


Daryl walks into the RV from the car that Rick and the others were in, when Jesus see him he practically tackles him to the ground, but Daryl is able to keep his balance and they stay standing on all four feet.

"You're okay!" Jesus says shaking Daryl's shoulders.

"Yeah, I am." He nods, and Jesus smacks his back like guys do.

He walks back out to the other car after he says hello to everybody, and all the others that were waiting for us walk back out to there car too.

The RV roars to life and we begin driving again, Abraham went to the back to sleep so now Glenn is at the wheel, "You should get some sleep." I say to Carl

He nods and lays his head on my lap and shuts his beautiful blue eyes, not long after I find myself falling asleep.



I wake up to yelling and shouting, Enid is sleeping sat up straight , this time my head is on her lap. I stand up and try and slip past without waking her. The sun is up now, and the RV is completely empty, I step outside the doors and we're in some ghost town.

Everything has been burnt down, all the buildings, there are military trucks and vans scattered around and the place is a wreck. What happened to this place?

Is this Woodbury?

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask walking over to my dad.

"We have no where to go, the Governor burnt the whole fucking place down." Daryl says throwing his hands in the air.

Carol walks up behind him and puts her hand son his shoulders, "Calm down pookie." She says and he instantly relaxes and calms down, wow Carol must have magic healing powers.

"Well then where are we going to go? We can't just live on the road with two babies." I shout, I'm concerned for my newly formed family, I need to know that Enid, Baby Maggie and Judith are living somewhere safe.

"I know a place." An unfamiliar voice says.

Who is the mysterious person?

Where will they go?

Just Survive Somehow


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