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No ones POV

"Now like I said, it's okay that you didn't understand because now that means that Lucille can cleanse her thirst. But that just means that you guys wont be so lucky." Negan spoke

"Should have listened to us."

Everybody sat around Negan petrified, some had already been in this situation and some hadn't.

But the people who had already, knew it was only going to be worse this time round.

They should have seen it coming after they took down one of the saviours outposts, killing everybody in it.

Negan walked around the circle whistling.

Glenn was no longer himself anymore, it's almost as if he was a completely different person.

He was still the same sweet guy, but he now had a very cold side that was never there before.

He had been brainwashed by the saviours, but not Enid.

Enid would never let that happen, she followed her own morals.

"Hey Enid, why don't you step out here a second?" Negan demanded.

She stepped out into the light and walked over to Negan.

"Simon, bring me the girl."

Simon grabbed hold of Arizona and dragged her across the circle, over to Negan.

"Now Enid..."

He took Lucille off from over his shoulder.

"I want you to hold Lucille." He said handing Lucille over to Enid.

"Sure." She responded.

"And.... I want you to bring her right down onto this girls Head, Just drive it straight down making her skull crack."

"WHAT?" Enid almost yelled.

"Excuse me!" Negan shouted almost offended.

He was offended that she wasn't showing any appreciation that he was allowing her to use his beloved bat.

"I...I cant." Enid started panicking.

"I'll show you how." Negan placed his hands over Enid's gripping the bat tightly.

He lifted the bat above both of their heads before smashing it down onto Arizona.

Enid looked away with gritted teeth and tears falling down her face.

"Just like baseball." He chuckled

He helped her bring it down once more before taking his hand off and making Enid continue on her own.

She bought the bat down three more times on her own, here eyes were wide and puffy still looking away. She just wanted to get away from what was happening.

But she couldn't, there was no escape.

She started hyperventilating.

"Good God Enid, go and sit down with the rest of them." Negan ordered seeming annoyed at Enid.

Enid walked over and kneeled down next to Carol at the end.

Negan waked over to Rick and picked him up from his collar.

Dragging him over to the centre.

Enids POV

"Now kid, you come over here." Negan said to Carl.

Carl just ignored Negan.

"I said, come over here!" He yelled.

Carl hesitantly walked over to Negan.

Oh no what is he going to do?

Please don't kill him.

Negan took his belt off from his trousers, what the hell?

He started tying it around Carl's left arm.

"You a southpaw?" Negan asked him.

I squinted my eyes at him, my heart was beating out of my chest.

My breathing had steadied a bit now but it was still fast.

"Am I a what?" Carl spat back.

Negan laughed.

"You a lefty?" Negan replied.

Carl cocked his head to the side squinting.

"No" He said back with sass in his tone.

"That hurt?"

"No" With even more sass in his voice.


"Should. It's supposed to."

"All right.

Get down on the ground kid, next to Daddy.

Spread them wings." flicking Carl on the head.(Only because Enid has Carl's hat)

Carl started to get down on the ground, but then Negan pushed his face straight down so that he was laying on the cold floor.

He had some men put guns to everybody in the circles head but mine.

"Simon, you got a pen?"


Negan started drawing a straight line across Carl's forearm telling him how it feels like a Warlock's ball sack 'being dragged across the forearm'


"Now Rick, I'm gonna need you to chop your sons arm off at ninety degrees"

Rick started trying to plead with Negan but he wasn't having it, he then started hyperventilating.

"Just do it." Carl said.

Carl was willing to have his arm chopped off, for the safety of the rest of the group.

Rick lifted up the axe and started hesitating.

My heart rate was increasing even faster and I started panicking.

Soon Rick brought down the axe onto Carl's arm.

Carl screamed out in pain, although the axe had only gone through the skin like a cut.

I started crying, seeing him in so much pain.

Rick lifted up the hatchet again to make a second chop but before he could I jumped up.

"CARL!"I screamed as I springed forward and lunged at Rick, punching him in the face.

"Somebody grab her!" Negan yelled.

Two saviours grabbed a hold of me stopping me from moving.

I started kicking and screaming.

"YOU CANT DO THIS TO HIM, STOP IT!" I screamed more tears streaming down my face.

I tried getting out of the peoples grips, but it was no use they were holding on to tight.

"Take her away." Negan said to the two men holding me.

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