36//Wish to die.

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A/N I'm very tired ATM of writing this so there may be grammar mistakes/ misworded

"Y...y...you're what?" I ask.
She looked at me and bit her lip nervously.
"I'm pregnant." She said.
I just sat there staring at her not knowing what to say.
Tears welled in her eyes again, she sniffles and looked down.
"You're mad at me." she said staring to cry again.

"What? Why would I be mad at you Enid?" I said grabbing hold of her hands.
"So, you're not mad?" She asked looking up.
I smiled at her.
"Of course not. Enid this is amazing!" I said loudly.
I started getting really excited.
"I'm going to be a dad!" I said enthusiastically.

Holy shit.

I'm going to be a dad!
Yes I'm young, but this is amazing.
She let out a small laugh.
"Can I feel your stomach?" I asked.
She nodded.
"Yes" she smiled.
She lifted up her shirt to reveal her belly.
Her bump was pretty big, how did I not notice it before?
"Whoa, how long have you known?" I said staring at her stomach before placing my hands on her warm stomach.
(Let's just pretend she's a few months along)
"About four months" she said to me.
"Why didn't you tell me that time before?"
She looked me in the eyes and she looked hurt.
"Because I heard what you said to Arizona, in the woods."
I can't believe that she heard what I said, I never even knew she was in the forest until I caught her throwing up.
Oh, the puking explains now.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean anything I said. I was broken after we were separated, I thought I'd never see you again. I wanted to die." I explained.

I honestly did, I had so many emotions during that stage in my life, I hated Enid for not being there with me even though it wasn't her fault. I was so close to ending it all.

"I didn't love Arizona, she was just another person to keep my bed warm at night." I explain.

All of a sudden the engine of the van roared and started driving off, only to stop again after a few yards.

I went up to one of the holes in the door to see what was happening.

I could see Negan.

"Damn, that is not what I call a good service." Negan said to Spencer.

"Not even gonna open the gate for us." He chuckled.

"You have absolutely no guts to even respond to me now do you?"

Negan pulled out a knife from his pocket and sliced open Spencer's stomach

"Looks like I was wrong. You do have guts." He laughed before getting back into the truck.

The truck started up again and drove off.

Okay, so yes this was a filler chapter. I've had writers block, It was quite a cute chapter though. I'm ill at the minute so I haven't felt like writing and because I'm super busy. It's late and I almost fell asleep at my laptop writing this chapter.

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