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(Readers POV)

Daryl didn't trust Tina after what her, Sherry and Dwight did to him in the burnt down forest. Rick had told him that he needs to get used to her being around because she's not going anywhere since it's not safe for her with Negan after her.
After all, they had seen what Negan was capable of when he bashed in Maggie's skull.

Carol didn't trust Tina either but she kept that smile on her face to reassure everybody that she was fine with her being around, even though she wasn't.

Carl and Arizona were sitting on Arizona's bed reading comic books.

He was reading one of the one's that Enid had given him, it was Enid's favourite one.

"Hey Arizona?" Carl said.

"What's up?" She said peeping above her comic book and smiling.

"Um, I was wondering. Mm would you like... to maybe be my....girlfriend?" Carl stuttered

She just sat there and froze with her eyes wide.

"Oh my god, that was a stupid question. I shouldn't have asked." He said standing up to leave.

Arizona quickly got up, spun Carl around and pecked him on the lips. The kiss lasted for about three seconds before they pulled away.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend" Arizona smiled.

Carl now had a big grin on his face.

"Really?" He asked surprised.

"Yes really." Arizona giggled.

"Come with me a second." Carl said.

Arizona just nodded and followed Carl .

He went to his house and up to his room.

Carl went over to his desk and picked up a few of Enid's comic books and a polaroid of him and Enid.

"What are you doing?" Arizona asked confused.

"Wanna help me go and burn these?" he asked.

"Um.....sure?" She said confused.

They walked outside of the house and to the gates.

"Hey Abraham, we just wanna go out for a walk." Carl said to Abe.

"Sure thing kid, don't be too long though and stay safe." He said patting Carl on the back before opening the gates for him and Arizona.

They walked out to the middle of the forest, this forest was so much better than the one back at Alexandria.

They finally found a good spot and Carl gathered up some twigs to start a fire.

He finally had the fire going and he passed a few comics over to Arizona for her to throw in.

"Um so why exactly are we doing this" She asked.

Carl just sighed.

"They were my girlfriend Enid's comics, I don't want anything that reminds me of her."

Arizona just gave Carl a sympathetic look and brought him into a hug.

"What happened to her?"

"I don't know. We got separated about two weeks ago, and now I have no idea where she is or even if she's alive. I don't want anything that reminds me of her."

"I'm kind of glad too, she made me a weak person. I don't ever want to see her again." Carl explained

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