2//New Sheriff in town.

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A middle aged lady, only a bit taller than me, with shoulder length golden brown hair walked into the room, she had a wide smile plastered on her slightly aged skin.

"Hi, my names Deanna. You must be Carl, Do you mind if I film this?" She asks.

"I guess."

"Okay, so first question, how long have you been out there Carl?"

"Since the beginning, we lived In Atlanta at the beginning, then we moved to a farm and that's where we met Maggie. The farm became over ran, we were on the road for nearly nine months until we came across a prison. We took it and made it our own, we had a community there, we took in people, we grew food, kept animals. But it didn't work out and we all got split up, and now, well now we're here." I say, hiding behind a fake smile.

"You've been through a lot, your very strong for being so very young." she says in a soothing voice.

"There are some boys around your age here, you should go and meet them." she smiles.

"Sure." I responded.

I didn't really feel like meeting anybody today, I just wanted to take a shower , it's been so long since I've had a proper shower.

We had showers back at the prison, but they were built from old pipes and buckets, and the water was freezing cold

I ran up to the bathroom and throw all my clothes off, I'll throw them in the trash later; I then placed my hat on a stool. I turned the water on, and left it going until it ran warm. I stepped in it was like heaven, I saw as all the dried blood and dirt wash off me down the drain. I loved the feeling of the warm water on my body, I missed this.

As I stepped back out I walked into my bedroom connected to the bathroom, I saw that there was a pile of new cloths, there were a pair of Blue plaid pyjama bottoms. I hopped straight into those, the last time I wore pyjama pants was when we were at Hershel's farm.

I miss Hershel he was a great man.

When I got downstairs everybody was sitting around laughing, I went over the Noah and Eugene and played a game of poker. Deanna came knocking on the door to see how we were settling in and told Michonne and my dad that she wanted them to be the 'Sheriffs' of the town .

But it's just a matter of time before my dad tries taking leadership of the community.

He knows what he's doing.

He's the man for the job.

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