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"Enid, we're gonna make it it's going to be okay!" Carl shouted.
The barrel of the gun still pressed to my temple, my finger on the trigger.
"Please, Enid, I love you, I need you, your the only thing I love left." He said, tears steaming from his eyes.

We're going to die, die here surrounded by walkers in every direction.

We were standing on top of a dumpster.

I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts, and pulled the gun away.

"Pass me that notepad in you backpack."

"Enid! Enid it's going to be okay just pass me the notepad." He yelled.

I did as I was told, he took out a lighter and set fire to it and threw it out as far as he could.

The walkers started walking towards it and there was soon only a few left.

We took down the rest with our knifes before jumping down and running in the opposite direction, back to the car.

"Carl! The cars gone, they left without us .What are we gonna do?" I shouted at him.

"We're just survive somehow." He said.


How could they just leave without us, after everything we've been through since finding them last week.

Me and Carl have now been walking for hours and it was now becoming dark .I saw a car in the distance and we soon began running towards it.

I checked to make sure the keys were inside, luckily enough they were.

"Okay, you go and sleep at the back and I'll drive, I'll wake you up in a few hours so that we can switch."

I just nodded.


I don't know where I'm driving, but hopefully we will find somewhere to stay soon as it is getting dark.

I've been separated from Judy and the others, Enid is the only family I have left.

"Coral" I must be imagining it.

"Coral, are you there? It's dad." I remembered, I still have the walkie talkie.


"Oh coral thank god your alright, are Judy and Enid okay?"

"Yes, we found Maggie, Sasha, Abraham and Daryl. Me and Enid got separated from them when we got stuck in a herd whilst on a run. We got back to the car and they had left without us and Judith is with them. I'm driving right now. Where are you?"

"Son, I'm with the rest of the group. We're headed back to the prison, where are you?"

"Umm, I don't know but I think I know the way to the prison." I said.

"Okay, well I'll check in again tomorrow, find some shelter for the night and stay safe, I love you coral."

"I love you too."

I continued driving until I came across a block of abandoned apartments.

I woke Enid up and we went inside and checked for walkers, we only found two.

We decided to stay in the apartment at the very top.

"This should be a good place to stay for the night." Enid said.


I found a cord from a TV and tied it around the door handle using a knot that Shane had taught me. We then pushed up a set of draws up against the door incase.

We then got into bed and she cuddled close to me with her head on my chest.

"Carl?" I heard her say.

"What are we going to do?"

"We're going back to the prison I told you about back at Alexandria."


"I love you Enid, I know we haven't known each other very long but I do."

"I love you too Cowboy." She said before lifting her head and kissing me on the lips and resting her head back onto my chest.

"We'll be okay, we're gonna beat this world. Even if it means just us surviving together." I said .

"I believe in you Carl Grimes." She said before we both fell asleep cuddling each other.

A/N So yes I decided to give Carl and Enid the same dumpster scene Glenn and Nicholas had in the show, accept there was no suicide. This is set a few days after the previous chapter.
The italics is a flashback that happened a few days after they found the others and the rest is after that happen.
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