33//Across the floor

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(Enids POV)

*4 months later*


Negan blew down the gates of the Hilltop with a rocket launcher.


Glenn tried to make me stay back by locking me in a closet, but I managed to get out just as they were about to leave.

Now which house do I choose?

I ran to one of the trailers behind Barrington house since everybody else was starting with the trailers near the front.

I ran to the door already holding out my gun.

I kicked the door once, I kicked the door a second time and it broke open.

Two people shot up in their bed.

A boy and a girl.

A sleepy Carl and Arizona.

I aimed my gun towards them.

"UP!"I screamed.


"GET UP NOW!" I screamed.
My bump was starting to show alot now, but it wasn't obvious in this shirt so I doubt Carl saw anything.

Carl went to grab his gun from his bedside, but before he could grab it, I shot his hand making the gun fly out of his reach across the floor.

He screeched out in agony.

I picked up his gun, I now had a gun aimed at both of them.


Arizona darted out of the door, but before she could get anywhere she was shot in the shoulder making her fall to the ground clutching her wound. Behind her stood Simon who then dragged her away

I tied Carl's hands behind his back with a cable tie.

I pushed him out of the door.

"Not even gonna cry?" I spat.

He just ignored me, he had no emotion on his face.

"Answer when your spoken to!" I snapped at him.

"I still love you Enid"

I spun him around and pushed him backwards a bit.

I'm mad at him, but those words warmed my heart.

The way he said it made him sound like he was telling the truth.

I sighed.

I glared at him.

"I don't believe you."


I made my way back to the centre of the camp where Negan was waiting.

I could see all of the old group, kneeling down in a semicircle around him.

Just like when I had to watch Maggie get killed.


"Hey Enid." Maggie shouted up the stairs.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen where Maggie was waiting for me.

"yeah?" I asked.

I could see Maggie had a large grin on her face.

"I'm making Pancakes!" She said excitedly with her strong southern accent.

I can't remember the last time I ate pancakes.

"Really?!" Now I was excited.

"Yup, Abraham and Glenn found a box of bisquik whilst out on a run. Wanna help me make them?" She said.

"Do I want to make pancakes?" I asked rhetorically.

"Umm hell yeah!"

I ran to the counter and stood next to Maggie.

Maggie put her hand in the box and threw some of the powder at me.

My hair was now white from the flour.

"Maggie! We're supposed to be using that to make pancakes!" I said to her.

"They found a whole crater with about 12 boxes." She explained .

"Oh, well that's okay then! "I smirked before throwing some flour at her.

We the had a full out flour war, we were giggling like five year olds.

"What the heck happened here?" Glenn asked stepping through the door.

"Pancake fight!" Maggie shouted.

I threw some flour at him and he did a fake gasp and put his hand to his heart pretending to be hurt.

"You are getting it!" Glenn chuckled before him and Maggie started chasing me around the living room.

They pushed me to the ground and started tickling me, as they knew how ticklish I was.

Before sending Carl over to sit in the circle, I pulled him behind a big tractor.

"What are you doing?" He whisper yelled.

I looked into his Ocean blue eyes.

"Don't take anything personal. I don't know what's about to happen, but just don't." I said.

He looked at me confused.

"You need to come with me now Carl." I said walking back over to the semi circle.

He followed behind me.

I pushed him down to kneel next to a blonde girl and Daryl.

"Carl what's happening right now?" The blonde girl asked him.

Her eyes were wide and she looked petrified.

"Everything's going to be okay Lydia, don't worry." He said to her.

There was Tara, Heath, Spencer, Rosita, Sasha, Daryl, Carl, Lydia, Abraham, Eugene, Rick, Aaron, Carol and Arizona at the end

"Now, let's get this little fuckshow on the road!" Negan shouted with a grin on his face.
"Now I thought that I warned you....the first time, but obviously you guys didn't quite get the memo!"
"But....that's okay, because Lucille... Lucille is a vampire bat; and hell is she thirsty!"

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