18//No remorse

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I woke up with a blinding pain in my left shoulder.

I opened my eyes and scanned the room. It was plain and white, with nothing inside but a bed.

"Hello?" I yelled.

"Hello, is anybody there?" I said whilst standing up.

I twisted the door knob and the door opened, I walked down a long hallway.

"Hello?"I continued walking until I reached the living room.

There was a girl with long blonde hair that reached her lower back and she was about my age, she was sat on the couch sharpening a knife.

She turned around and looked at me.

"Ah, your awake." She said

"What happened?"

"Umm... I kinda shot you in the shoulder; you've been out for a day and a half" She smiled

"Shit, Enid!" I said face palming myself.

"What was that?" she asked.

"Nothing, I was just talking to myself."

"I'm Lydia by the way."


"Well, Carl I need to go out and grab some supplies tomorrow, you need to come with me." She said.



The next day was a lot colder than the previous days, Autumn must be approaching.

"So, what happened to you?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"My mother, Alpha. She was the leader of a group called the 'Whisperers' she was a cruel woman, she didn't even allow me to call her mum. She thought I was weak so she sent me away to stay with a man named Dwight and his wife, they were very nice to me and treated me as if I were their own daughter. One day we got split up after our camp was over run and attacked. I've been on my own for probably three months. Your the first person I've met that hasn't tried killing me." She explained.

"I'm sorry. Is Alpha still out there?"

"No, Dwight helped me kill her and the rest of the group. I feel no remorse for doing that and nor should I. She was a horrible woman and she does not deserve my pity or tears. She used to be a good woman, a good mother. But this world changed her, it changes us all."

"How about you, why were you on your own?" She asked.

"I had just moved to a place named Alexandria, Alexandria Safe Zone. It got attacked by a group called the wolves, me and my girlfriend got away with my baby sister. We found some of our group when we got away, then me and Enid got surrounded by walkers and they left without us. We then met a man named Negan who beat 'the holy hell' out of one of our people with his bat Lucille. We went to stay in a prison where I lived last year, but then walkers got in and we got split up. I had been walking for two days straight looking for her before I found the house."

"Who am I kidding? I'm probably never going to see her again."

"Don't say that Carl, everything works out the ways its supposed to in the end.You and Enid will find each other."

"I hope you're right."

We approached a local chemist.

"Okay I'll go to the back and look for medication, maybe something for your pain. Um maybe you could see if there's any candy bars or tampons for me at the front.

"Um o..kay."I responded

What are tampons?

I searched on the floor, pregnancy tests, rash cream.... condoms.

"Got what you needed?"

"Um yep, Just these" I said holding up the box.

So I really want to cast Lydia but I don't know who to cast her as so please leave suggestions. I have some ideas but your suggestions would really help :)

over and out.

Chloe signing off.

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