25//Still alive.

247 3 21


Continuing from Carl's last POV

I couldn't believe my ears, he can't be. It's not possible, this is my dad, Rick fucking Grimes.

"You're what?" I shouted with tears lining my waterline.

"I got bit son."

How did this happen?
I can't loose him too.
I've already lost Enid.

"H...How? Where? When?" I asked feeling the tears trickling down my face

He started to climb out of his bed and walk over to me.

I was pacing about the room like a maniac.

He lifted up his top to show a large bite on his right side just below his armpit.

It was a large bite, it didn't look infected though. And it also didn't look new, it looked old.
Very old.

"About five days ago me, Tara and Abraham were out looking for supplies, I was in a grocery store. I was trying to reach some baby formula for Judy, it was right on the top shelf. Anyway the shelf fell on top of me, a walker came round the corner and fell on top of me and bit me."

Wait this happened five days ago? this isn't possible.

I just stood there shocked and confused.

"I know you're probably confused son, You're probably wondering how I'm still alive right now, right?"

I just slightly nodded.

"Well I guess I must be immune or something. I don't know how it's possible, but It must be because otherwise I would be dead right now." He explained.

"How could you be so selfish and not tell anybody that you were bitten. What if you turned?"

He sighed.

"Son the doctor here knows and so does Tara and Abraham. They have been keeping me locked in this room in case."

(One week time skip to the day of the last chapter)

My dad's still alive so he must be right, he is immune.

I don't understand how though exactly.

Me and Lydia have found it really easy to fit in here.

She's actually living with Daryl because they get on so well now, he's like an older brother to her.

I've also started hanging around with a girl named Arizona.

I really like her, I know I shouldn't but there's like a 98% chance me ever seeing Enid again.

I'm thinking of asking her to be my girlfriend.

Daryl is trying to take leadership of this place, the other day Gregory the leader of The Hilltop tried to poison Daryl so he couldn't be in charge.

Because of that, he is being hung tonight so that everyone can see him suffer.

He was a terrible leader anyway.


Gregory was standing on a stool ready to be dropped.

I had my arm tight around Arizona keeping her close to me as it was very cold, also to comfort her for what she's about to see.

"Have any last words Gregory?" Jesus asked.

"Yeah, I do. Go to hell all of you, You know that Daryl won't be able to handle Negan." He shouted.

And with that the stool was moved from underneath him and he was dead.

What does he mean handle Negan?

Oh no

All of a sudden we heard gun shots going off and banging on the gates.

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