22//Bitch bit me

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I've been sent out to hunt for the new community at the Hilltop but I've also been sent out by Rick to look for Carl.

Rick is sick and we don't know if he's going to survive. He probably wont,  but we don't know how much longer he has.

We don't know exactly what is wrong with him, he sleeps a lot, but he also pukes quite a bit(I hate that word) and hallucinates about Michonne a lot.
Rick and Michonne had told us that back in Alexandria they formed a relationship and started dating, they did a pretty good Job at hiding it. When the prison was over run most of us found each other apart from Carl, Enid, Glenn and Michonne.

I'm pretty sure Michonne got out, she will most likely find us she's probably just taking a while to track us down.

I was out huning when I saw two kids sitting on a tree, I didn't want to scare them incase they tried to attack me; so I just watched from afar.

It can't have been Carl because he would have his sheriff hat on, he always wears it and this kid wasn't wearing one.

The boy jumped down and said he going to go 'take a piss'.

I heard some walkers roaming around so I decided to keep moving and continue hunting.

That's when I heard the girl start shouting "Coral!".

It must have been, I snuck up behind her and grabbed her.

Little bitch bit my hand.

Then the boy came walking out and sure enough it was Carl.

I was so relieved that we had finally found him, it had been like a week.

Nowadays a week feels like a century.

I told him about his dad and the Hilltop.

The present day.


"Hey rick." Daryl said walking in with his usual southern accent.

I looked around to see him.

"Whayyt" I said

"Got something you might wanna see"

"Then show me it."

I was not amused.

All of a sudden my son stepped into the room.


"Dad." He said walking over to my bed and hugged me.

"Where have you been son? Is Enid with you?" I asked.

"I've been fine, apart from being shot in the shoulder. Enid's not with me, I've been out looking for her."

"I'm so sorry son, I shouldn't have left without you."

"It's okay dad, Daryl told me what happened and I understand. The main thing that I'm worried about is you getting better. This community needs you as their leader, there just as clueless as the Alexandrians."

Just then a girl with long Blonde hair stepped in the room.

"Um sorry to interrupt, but some guy called Jesus would like to talk to you carl" The girl said.

"Who's this?"

"Dad this is Lydia."

Lydia? He got over Enid fast

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