4//Up here

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"I'm Carl." I smile.

"Mind if I climb up?" She asked.

"Sure, come on up." I said, scooting up on the branch.

"What ya reading there?" She asked.

"The Astounding Wolf-Man, I've read it like a million times."

"I've got some comics back at my house. You can borrow sometime if you like." She said smiling.

"Thanks, I have a few in here wanna read one?" I said whilst grabbing out some comics and handing them to her.

"Wow, Where did you get all of these?"

"I used to live in a prison, a member of my group Michonne used to bring them back for me." I said.

"What made you leave the prison?" she asked.

"A bad man in charge of a local community built up an army and destroyed the prison, leaving us all separated from each other, but we all found each other at a place named Terminus."

"I travelled for weeks on my own trying to get to terminus after my parents died, but when I got there its was mostly destroyed and overrun with walkers; luckily I found this place not long after."

"Carol from our group did that, they were all cannibals there and they were about to kill us but then Carol Blew it up and saved us."

"What happened to your parents?"I asked.

"They were trying to jump start the car, I kept a look out from the sun roof when a herd came over and I had to watch them get eaten. Are you here with your parents?"

"I'm with my dad, my Mom died at the prison giving birth to my baby sister."

"You have a baby sister?" She asked.

"Yeah, you can meet her sometime if you like." She smiled at me as I said that.

There was an awkward silence, I found myself staring into her beautiful eyes, she was staring back at me. Then we heard about ten walkers roaming past.

"At least we're up here, they can't get us." She said.

Suddenly, we heard shouting from inside the walls, the walkers had now past so I jumped down off the branch and then helped Enid down.

"Thanks" she said.

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