8//Over the walls

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I woke up this morning with Carl's long arms wrapped around my torso, the sun was shining straight through to my eyes. Once I realised where I was, I smiled; I felt happy in this moment.

I turned around to cuddle Carl, his eyes start to flutter open.

"Morning" Iwhispered.

"Morning." He smiled.

I stood up and walked over to my clothes in the corner of the room.

"What are you doing? "Carl asked.

"Changing my clothes." I said removing my top, revealing my bra that was definitely becoming too small and worn out, before pulling over my striped t-shirt that I was wearing yesterday.

"Okay, I guess I better get up too."

"Hey, I'll go grab us something to eat from Olivia down in the pantry. Then we can go over the walls?" I say.

"I'll come with you, I'm almost dressed."

"Okay" I smiled.

I walked down the stairs, Rick was sat in the kitchen spoon feeding Judith apple sauce.

"Oh, Good morning Mr Grimes." I said smiling

I don't think he was supposed to know i was here.

"Morning, It's Enid right?"

"Ya, I hope you don't mind that I stayed here last night. Carl was just very upset."

"That's fine, it's good to know that he has a friend like you around. Have you met Judith?" He said pointing to the baby sitting in the highchair.

"No, not yet. She's so adorable."

"Hey dad" I turned around to see Carl walking down the stairs.

"Morning son. I was just talking with Enid, I'm sorry son that you had to see that last night but it was only what was right."

"I understand, you ready to go Enid?"

"Yeah, bye Mr Grimes." I said politely whilst putting my backpack over my shoulders.

"You can call me Rick, nice meeting you."

We then walked out of the house and headed for the pantry. When we get there I see Olivia, since I don't have any parents, I live in Olivia's house. She's really great, she like an older sister to me. Protective but not too overly protective.

"Hey, Enid what can I do for you?" She said squeezing me into a hug.

"I was wondering if you had any granola bars? And I also wanted some bottles of water." I explain whilst brushing my hand through my long hair.

"Sure, right at the back to the right. Your coming home today for dinner aren't you?"

"Thanks Olivia, yeah I will be don't you worry." I smile walking over to the back.

Olivia was an amazing cook so I always enjoyed her dinners.

I grab the granola bars and me and Carl head over the walls.

Once we get down I tap Carl and tell him he's 'It', I then proceed to run though the woods, Carl chasing after me.

"Hey wait up, I'm out of breath."

I turn to face him, seeing him bending over panting. I chuckle.

I then start walking a bit until a pair of hands grab me .

Who's grabbing her hands?
What will happen next?


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