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We began running through the town, shooting people on the way.

We ran straight into my house.

"Dad, Dad!?"


I ran up to him and hugged him.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"I don't know some people broke in and started killing everybody, Coral I need you to take Judith . You and Enid need to grab a car and drive far away. I need to go and help, It will be okay. We will see each other again I know it!" He ordered.

"Take this bag it has food, water, ammo and a walkie-talkie. I have the other one. I believe in you two" He said before hugging me and Enid.

I nodded and ran out to the nearest car I could find.

Enid stood through the sun roof and shot any wolves in sight.

One had tackled Maggie to the ground and raised a machete above her stomach, Enid ran out of ammo so she jumped through the sun roof and stabbed the man in the head.

"Maggie we gotta go, Now!" Enid yelled before her and Maggie got into the car.

"What about Glenn?" She said with her strong southern accent.

"He'll be fine, we're survivors remember. We'll see them all again, I know it!" I said before speeding off out of the gate.



It was now becoming dark, we have been driving for hours. Maggie was asleep at the back cuddled up with Judith, and Carl was asleep in the passengers seat. I had taken over driving for him.

I saw a fire up ahead and a truck. There were three people sitting around the fire until they stood up and held out their weapons.

I turned on the headlights.

I stepped out of the car with my hands up.

"Guys its just me" I say to them.

"Enid? What are you doing out here?" Abraham asked whilst Sasha walked over and hugged me.

"Alexandria. It was attacked. Rick told me and Carl to take Judith and get away in the car." I explained.

"You have Lil-Ass kicker with you?" Daryl asked.

"Ya, she's at the back asleep with Maggie." I tell him.

"Maggie's with you?" Sashes face lit up as she ran to the back of the car.

"Honey, your arms bleeding. What happened?" Abraham asked .

I looked down at my arm, my shirt drenched in blood.

"Oh, I was stabbed " I said

"Stabbed? Let me see , I'll Patch you up." Daryl said inspecting my arm.

It happened when I went over to save Maggie, before I stabbed him in the head he turned around and sliced open my arm. It hurt like a bitch, but I didn't tell Maggie or Carl because I'm not weak ; I'm strong and I can look after myself.

"Looks a little infected, this may sting." He said before putting some alcohol on my arm to clean the wound.

I winced from the pain.

"I'm gonna have to stitch you up ." He said.

"How do you know all of this stuff?" I ask

"When I was younger my father would abuse me and my brother Merle. I would often have to take care of myself, back at the prison we stayed at I found some books on first aid, thought it might be worth me learning some. That's how I know." He explained.

"That must have been horrible." I said.

"Enid, what's happening? Why have we stopped?" I heard Carl says as he stepped out of the car.

"Daryl? Abraham?, What are you guys doing here?" He asked.

"We were on a run, we heard what happened. Son it'll be okay well find everyone else." Abraham said.

"Yeah I know, my dad gave me this." Carl said whilst holding up the walkie talkie .

"Okay well we best be getting some sleep, we've got a long road ahead of us tomorrow." Sasha said.

"Me and Carl can take first watch. "Maggie said.

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