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The sky covers over with an orange and pink tint, the sun slowly rising as we drive through the empty, open road. Carl has his head on my lap sleeping since he drove through most of the night.

Rosita sits up front driving, Tara sat next to her bouncing Judith up and down on her knee making the small child squeal and giggle. Rosita looks at her out of the corner of her eye and a big grin appears on her face, her and Tara making eye contact and smiling at each other.

Baby Maggie sits beside me in her mosses basket as she sleeps. She's like a little angel, although she's only been in this world for a few days she's easier to look after than I ever expected.

She rarely cries, when It's time for her to sleep she's out like a light bulb.

I'm in love with her.

I put my hand in the basket and her little tiny hand grips my finger making my ovaries explode and a big smile creep on my face.

I'm so glad that I'm finally back with my family, I have Carl, I have Glenn and I have my beautiful baby girl.

Things would have been so much easier if me and Carl were never separated , but instead I was at the sanctuary with Negan and he was at the Hilltop.
Things would have been so much easier if we had never driven half way across the state and been separated from Maggie, Daryl, Abraham and Sasha. If we had just gone back after the attack on Alexandria.

And if the prison hadn't got over run with walkers, separating me and Carl for eight months.

This world is sick and cruel.

I hope that where we're going is good and has strong people .

Somewhere safe where we can live forever.

Maybe in the future somebody will find a cure?

Probably not.

One can only hope.

Hopefully they'll have the walkers under control in the next few years, and that nobody in our group ever dies at the hands of a walker again.

"Look." Rosita says pointing out of the front window

Wooden walls at least 15 feet high stand before us. Two men stand on watch at the top, rifles in their hands pointing at our vehicles.

"GET OUT OF YOUR VEHICLES." One of them shouts waking Carl up.

I stroke my hand through his thick brown hair, "We're here." I whisper to him.

He nods and sits up climbing out of the sliding door along with me and the babies.

Everyone else is stood outside their vehicles and Beth pushes past them to the front.

"It's okay, they're with me Finn!" She shouts.

'Finn' looks at the guy on the stand across from him and he nods.

"Open up the gates Marsha!" He yells down to the ground.

Ropes are pulled and the tall doors slowly open up, revealing lots of grass and wooden cabins placed along a stream in the middle of the community. A corner filled with crops and animals, lots of benches filled with people sat down eating.

We all get taken towards this big building, Glenn walks besides me carrying baby Maggie and Carl walks on my other side with Judith in a stroller. I help him lift the stroller up the few steps leading to the building.

A grand entrance and hallway, big winding staircases and large lights hanging down from the wooden building.

A big door opens up and we're lead into a big empty room, a woman stands in there smiling at us as we all file in.

"Hi I'm Vera, I'm the leader of this community. Beth tells me that you were with her right at the beginning and that you're looking for somewhere to hold up and live." She says.

Rick steps forwards towards her,
"Hi I'm Rick, Rick Grimes." He says putting his hand out.

She takes his hand, "The name sounds familiar, I think you were in the newspaper before all of this started, something about being shot and in a coma?" She asks.

"Yep that's me, Sheriff Rick Grimes." He chuckles.

"Well, we'll get you settled into your homes and give you a tour." She smiles.

"Oh but we'll need you to hand in your guns, we can't have them floating around camp, it makes people feel uneasy. But you can keep hold of your knives." She grins reassuringly.

Rick nods.

"You heard her, place down your weapons." He says.

I take the gun out of my holster and so does Carl, but what they don't know is I have a small hand gun hidden in my boot and one in the lining of my backpack.


Me and Carl walk into the big wooden cabin that we would be living in with Glenn. There's a small kitchen in the corner of the room with a fridge stock piled with food and a small table on the side, an open lounge area with cream couches and a rug underneath an oak coffee table.

A small television in front of the couch, a door leads to a nice sized bathroom with a big bath/shower, the bathroom also joins to mine and Carl's bedroom which has a light coating of grey paint on the walls. A large bed, with two chest of draws and a crib in the corner filled with stuffed toys and a butterfly mobile hanging above it.

In the lounge there is a wooden ladder leading to the attic area where Glenn's bedroom is so that me and Carl can have our own space.

As soon as I finish looking around I fall and crash out onto the couch, Carl following me and crashing next to me.

"This is nice." I yawn.

"Yeah." Carl chuckles.

I see a flash go off in the corner of my eye and the sound of paper printing, I look to see Glenn standing besides us taking a picture of us both with a polaroid camera.

"Where did you get that?" I ask amazed.

"Found it in a draw in my room, already took a picture of baby Maggie." He chuckles.

"One day we'll need to take a whole group family photo." I say.

"You'll have to have someone take it from far away then to fit everybody in." Carl laughs.

I look to him and grin.

There's one more chapter after this and then an epilogue.

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