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Whoop, whoop, up a day earlier than scheduled!

"What!" I shouted, panicked and shocked.

She's not even due yet, it was only a month since I last saw her and she's already enormous! She's going into early labour, last time this happened it was my mom giving birth to Judith. She died, I can't let that happen to Enid.

"My waters broke." Enid said looking down at the puddle of liquid she was standing in.

"What, am I going to do? I'm not even due yet! I'm not ready to do this Carl!" She cried her breathing quickening.

"It's going to be okay, I'm not going to let anything happen to you, you're going to be fine." I reassured her as I ran over and picked her up, bridle style.

"Easy for you to say, you're not about to push something out of your vagina are you! God dammit Carl, why did you have to get me pregnant!" She said in a serious tone , I couldn't help but laugh.

I ran down the corridors, trying to find my way to the exit. You're probably wondering how I got out of my cell.


Negan had gone back to the hilltop, and when he did he captured and took Daryl back to the Sanctuary. He was staying in the cell next to mine!

Negan went back the next week to collect his half of the things the hilltop had scavenged and took Daryl with them; Daryl told my Rick in Morse code that the sanctuary was six miles north.

The Alexandrians had been taken to another community called the Kingdom, where they found Michonne. The Hilltop, the kingdom and another community called Oceanside all formed an alliance and started training up an army, and today they came to rescue Carl and Daryl and to finally get rid of the Saviours.

End of story

"Wait! We need to go get Glenn!"

"No Enid, I'm sorry but your more important, once we get out of here I'll get Abraham to go and find him okay, but right now I need to get you out of here!" I said as I continued running towards the exit, she just nodded knowing that I was too stubborn for her to change my mind.


Lydia came running up from behind me, and I spun round to see her, once she saw Enid in my arms her eyes softened.

"Go get the door!"

She rushed over and opened the doors for me as I continued speeding out of there, I ran to the RV that they had driven in and I took her straight to the back, placing her on the bed.

Abraham and Michonne came rushing over to me, when I saw Michonne I ran straight to her and hugged her before telling Abraham to go and find Glenn.

"Michonne, have you ever delivered a baby?" I asked her, positive I already knew the answer.

"Nope, but I guess you learn something new every day, right?" She said grinning.

Enid sat there panting and screeching as her contractions became more intense, "I need to push." She cried. I took her small hand in mine as she squeezed it until it started turning purple, Michonne was between her legs watching. (Sounds so creepy)

"Enid you need to stop pushing!" Michonne yelled.

But Enid continued pushing, "I cant!" She whimpered. "I think theres something wrong." Michonne said, she lifted up her hand and there was blood, I began panicking as flashbacks of my mother giving birth filled my head.

"The baby's breech, I'm going to need to do a C-section."

Enid's eyes flashed fear and she started to cry even more.

Michonne ran back out to the front grabbing a first aid kit and some rubbing alcohol out of the cupboard, she began cleaning her knife, just as Carol ran in.

"Carol! You know how to do C-sections, I need your help." Michonne demanded.

I sat by Enid's side saying sweet words to her and playing with her hair to try and calm her down.

Carol came rushing over to the bed, she had found some numbing cream in the first aid kit and began rubbing it on her stomach, before taking her knife and cutting into her stomach, Enid couldn't feel anything, so she didn't pass out from the pain.

Michonne held open her stomach as Carol put her hands inside and pulled out the baby, I soon heard cries and a tiny baby.

"It's a girl!" Michonne cheered.

Enid smiled and shed a few tears of joy, as Michonne passed her our baby girl wrapped in my flannel shirt, whilst Carol sat and stitched up Enid's belly.

She was so beautiful, she had Enid's plump cheek and sparkly blue eyes like mine, I never thought I would be a father so young, but I couldn't be happier.

"What are you going to name her?" Michonne asked as she looked at our tiny baby in awe.

I looked at Enid, I only found out I was going to be a father a month ago, so I had no clue. "I'm not sure" She responded.

Just then the RV door opened up and Glenn came running in.

"Oh my god!" Glenn said when he saw the sight of blood; he then fainted and fell on the ground. You would think he would be fine since we see blood every single day, but apparently not.

It was now my turn to hold the baby, I sat there rocking her when I felt her tiny hand wrap around my finger, it was the most adorable thing ever and I leant down to kiss her little fluffy-haired head.

"I'm going to go out and show my dad, he's in the car over there" I said pointing out the window, Enid nodded as I walked out of the RV.

I started making my way over to the car when I suddenly heard a loud booming sound coming from behind me.

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