Chapter Twenty-Four: Augun's P.O.V.

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It felt odd to be on a rocking boat with men that I either knew not who they were or with whom I despised greatly. I could nearly feel the anger and hatred radiating off of them. In their eyes I could see nothing but black, empty souls that lived by the rules of bloodlust and deception.

"Arvid, do with me what you will but I can and will escape you eventually.", I barked. I felt the nails of the two men holding me back, dig into my arms to keep me quiet.

Arvid let out a menacing laugh. It echoed through the empty cabin. "Get the stone.", he said as his men dragged me out the door and onto the deck of the ship. I was held in place by two men while another one hit me repeatedly with a heavy rock atop the head until everything went black as a raven's feather.

(Still Augun's P.O.V.)
Where am I? Who am I? Who are these people? Why does my head hurt? I asked myself over and over again. Stifling a scream, I tried to pull myself from the wall that I was mounted upon, only to find that my wrists were bound by cuffs and my ankles had also met the same fate.
"Where am I?", I asked, almost aggressive in tone. "What have you done with me?"

"You are on my ship", said a familiar looking man. "Who are you?"

"I am Arvid, and I give you your orders or I'll kill you."

I nodded my head and let him continue. "Your new name is...Maarku. If you meet anybody by the clan ruled by Augun, kill them. And if you meet anybody by the name of Lagertha, bring her to me, so I can do the job myself."

A/N: Hi, guys! I wanted to post some more chapters because u had kept you guys waiting for so long for the last chapter and I wanted to thank you all for being patient (sorry if this is a short chalter). I also want to thank those of you who have voted for my book in the Watty's on Twitter. For those of you who are new....I have entered my story in the Watty's so PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE vote for me on twitter by tweeting.....

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You guys can also increase my chances by voting and commenting on my story!! Thank you guys SOOOOO much!!!!!! Bye!!!!

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