Chapter 13 - Help

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Chapter 13

My mouth hangs open when I hear the words that Kian just said, because my mind can’t process it. Like seriously, what the fuck.

At first, pure anger runs through my body. I feel like there is actual fire inside my body at his words. I can’t even bring myself to look at him.

Then I feel disappointment. I thought Kian was better than this. I thought he was better than that, smarter than that.

My brain can’t seem to comprehend something like that. I don’t understand hoe Kian could be so stupid to let something like this happen. It just doesn’t make sense in my mind.

He was always so careful, so cautious. How did he let that pass him? Was he just trying to be stupid?

“Maddie…Emily is pregnant,” Kian said with a pained look on his face. “And it’s mine.”

Those words keep replaying in my head, over and over until that’s all I hear. I can’t hear anything else. Not the sound of kids playing around in the arcade, not the loud chatter of customers at the restaurant. Not even the sound of Kian’s voice as he tries to get my attention.

I actually feel bad for Andrea. Imagine the affect this will have on their relationship, if they haven’t broken up already. How could he do this to her?

How could he do this to me?

And of all people, Emily?

“W-when?” I stutter quietly, unable to form a sentence. Hopefully he knows what my question means.

“It happened just before Andrea and I started dating I think,” he tells me in a slow, calm voice.

I completely disregard when he told me it happened because he said I think.

“You think? You think!” I raise my voice, becoming angrier and angrier by the second. I can’t believe I am being angry over something that affects Andrea, but it infuriates me. How could he do something like this?

“It could have happened before then even, Maddie. I’m not saying it happened after we started dating,” Kian says urgently, trying to get me to lower my voice.

I narrow my eyes at him. “You are such an idiot!” I nearly yell.

“Madison, sh!” he says lowly, standing up and walking to me. I look up at him, anger still present in my eyes. “Can we talk about this somewhere else?”

I grit my teeth, feeling sick to my stomach. “Sure.”

Kian calls the waitress over and pays before leading me out of the restaurant. I walk with him silently, wondering where he could be headed. Once I notice the familiar settings after about ten minutes of walking, I stop.

“No,” I tell him, crossing my arms. I already had to go to Johnny’s which was filled with so many memories. Our beach has twice the memories.  It has twice the pain.

“Maddie,” Kian says softly, grabbing my arm. “It’s okay.”

I shake my head, feeling angry at him for even thinking of taking me to our beach.

He puts his hand on my back and literally starts to push me until I give in and start to walk with him.

When we arrive at the beach, I look around at all the many people that are there. Couples are sitting next to each other holding hands, kissing, or just showing affection. It bothers me slightly because that used to be me and Kian.

He leads me to the part of the beach farthest from where the entrance is before we sit down in the sand.

We both stay quiet, not knowing what to say to. I definitely will not be the one to speak first. I’m not even sure why he is telling me all of this. I have nothing to do with it.

Over Again ( A Kian Lawley / O2L )Where stories live. Discover now