Fire and Ice

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...Ana'leah's POV..

I got up and began getting my self situated for work. My feet felt heavier then usual and my stomach was in knots. Never the less I had to work a double tonight which meant I wouldn't be able to spend the day with my baby.

I had already cooked dinner for him and all he had to do was reheat it. I bought some cold drinks and aced them in the fridge and created a small list of needed down while I was gone.

This 8-11 shift was gonna kick my ass and I could feel it coming. I was startled when a presence wrapped around waists. Nathaniel rested his head in the side of my neck and kissed me softly.

"Good morning my Queen." He said yawning in my ear.

"Good morning King. Why are you up so early?" I questioned as I pranced back and forth through the room. He let his body drop back on to the bed and began rubbing his fingers through his hair.

"I heard you up moving around, that's all." He replied simply. I smiled and before I could say anything else I heard his heavy breathing which cued he was fast asleep.

After making my way to the shower I turned on the water to a scolding hot and stepped in. I relaxed my nerves and let the water massage my skin. When I had finished washing I stepped out and wrapped my towel around me.

I still had another half hour to myself so toast and coffee it was. I ran upstairs to grab my clock in key and my house keys.

"Baby, I love you." Nate yelled down to me. I smiled and turned my head.

"I love you too. Don't forget about your interview at eleven! I'll call and remind you." I shouted in response.

"Yeah, yea. I kno-" he faded off as he fell back to sleep. I chuckled to myself as I walked out the door making sure I locked both locks.


The hours were going by slowly and by the time I looked up at the clock it was only ten. I scrolled through my phone and pressed on Nates contact. It rang for a few moments and then he answered.

"Hello?" He answered. His voic e sounded tired and he groaned a little.

"Hey, are you up yet?" I asked knowing he wasn't. I listened as he scuffled around on the other end. He cleared his throat and for a short period of time the line was silent.

"I'm up, I'm up. I'm about to start getting ready now." He said through a mouth fool of tooth paste.

"Okay, See you later baby. Love you." I said knowing I had to get back to work.

"Love you more." He said before hanging up quickly. I looked down at the phone for a second and then sighed heavily.

My hands were sitting on my head while my elbows rested on the desk in front of me. The paper work I had to feel out was past due by a few days and though I was head of this clothing store, I was running short on my end.

Thinking about how I was slacking was very stressing and I got up to go get more coffee. My energy was heading in the wrong direction and I refused to crash and burn this early.

I walked into the staff lounge and headed strait toward the coffee pot. Cristin and Kiara watched me thoroughly as if I was a stranger. Kiara and I had bad vibes with each other and the only reason she still worked here was because I knew she had children to look after. If it wasn't for that I probably would have fired her but the again that was a personal life matter and she was great worker.

Cristin on the other hand was getting fired tomorrow and as soon as that paper work was done she was gone.

"Good morning ladies." I stated as I turned around toward them. Kiara looked up at me as if she seen a ghost. "Go-good morning Miss. Kanin." She replied stuttering. I tried to hold back a childish laugh as I read her nervousness.

Cristin returned the words and it made me remember my true reason of speaking. "Oh yeah, Christine can you come to my office tomorrow for another meeting." I added in the conversation.

She nodded her head in agreement. "Thank you and have a nice day you too." I said as I walked off. "You too." They said in unison. I gave a small smile to myself as I walked down the hall to my office.

I sat down and feeling a little more sure of myself I started the long line of paper work I had to do.


About four hours later I rounded up the last two papers I had to do and put my signature at the bottom.

Work was killing me and since I had only started the paper work at ten thirty, I still had about five to six hours left to go and majority would be spent running errands and making sure the rest of A&S Fashion clothing came in.

As if On cue my assistant Bethany Landera came knocking on the door.

"Come in Beth girl." I said as she peaked her head in. She walked over to my desk giving me two envelopes which tended to be packed fool of papers.

"The shipments are finally here and Synica is gonna be running late today. I sighed half joyed that the new clothing line was here and half pissed because my best friend / Partner was giving me more of an hassle.

"Thank you Beth, I appreciate it." I said smiling. When she walked out I grabbed my clip board and headed over to the drop off area.

"Hello Mr. Mennal. I spoke at to the assigned driver. He turned around and smiled at my presence.

"Hello Miss. Kanin. How are you today?" He asked making small talk. I gave a small smirk and replied simply to his question before getting to the point.

"Great and how about this shipment? Is everything here?" I was jittery and the thought of the clothes being here was very exciting. Everything Synica and I worked on was coming together.

" Yes, and the shipment itself is very large but everything seems to be together for the most part. He spoke assuring me. I signed the slip and filled out the information on the clip board satisfied with all I was told.


I took a quick shower and took my ass to bed. My shift ended no more than and hour ago and I was a wreck. I laid complete still in my spot on the bed and closed my eyes.

When Nate come in he went strait in the bathroom and got in the shower. He had been avoiding me all day today and I didn't quite understand why.

I was going to go talk to him and see what the hell was going on. My feet hit the ground and I slipped in to the bathroom with ease. I dropped my robe and stepped in the shower with him

I touch him letting my left hand rest on his shoulder and right hand on his side near his back. I let my hands slide around his body and laid my head on his middle back.

"Are you okay baby?" I asked as my hands danced around his wet body.

"Nothing Leah I'm good." He said dryly. I wasn't happy with the reply but I guess it was better then nothing. He pulled himself out of my presence as he rinsed his skin. I got out feeling like I was a bother and got myself together.

I was a little confused due to the fact that he responded with an answer that didn't match what I asked but I wasn't going to keep pressing something that evidently didn't need pressed. I got back in bed and tried to go to sleep but my mind was speeding and heart was hurting. I felt Nate behind me trying to click of the light. Once he accomplished his goal he kissed my cheek and slid in bed.

I missed the old days where talking was easy. For some time we had falling apart but in hope of the proposal making it better. We failed at that attempt to I made the guess in my mind. It only seemed as if goals were being broken the longer we stayed together.

We were broken like glass. Shattered and in shards of pain and defeat. He was all I knew and I was just another missing peace of his dull yet beautiful world.

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