Bad News

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Ana'Leahs POV...

Our nightmares haunt our sweetest dreams. Taunt our only day dreams and crushes our minds beauty...


She was gone. That beautiful soul made of rose gold and high spirit now flew with the angels. I let tears soak my pillow as I laid there still in shock. My sister was gone and a part of me felt as if i should have done something. I could have saved her and didn't.

"More ice cream?" Nathaniel asked before grabbing his keys off the table. I nodded my head in agreement before watching him walk out the door. Today wasn't my day and the way I had to find out was really heart breaking. Scrolling through social media and a news article popped up the family couldn't even call me and tell me that she passed away.

Nothing was going right. We all got our money but Ez was still laid up in this private doctors office and my sister was dead. To top it off Nate was being weird as fuck again.

I watched Ez as his body laid still, it was fucking with me. Things never seemed to fail and the only reason why I wasn't panicking is because they said he would be just fine. He didn't look just find and maybe I was tripping but he looked pale. He looked as if he didn't even have life left in him.

"Hey you're still here?" A voice behind me spoke. I turned my head at angle before noticing it was the doctor.

"Yeah, um I'll probably leave in a few. I have an appointment later." I stated. The doctor must have saw the hurt in my eyes because she stooped down next to me.

"Listen honey. He should be okay. I know for a fact he's not going to die but right now you need to not stress yourself. Your with child and close to your due date. All you have to do is what your doing now. Pray and stay by his side. He'd appreciate it, honestly." She spoke before standing and rubbing my shoulder.

"Thank you Dr. Nani." I said wiping tears. She gave my an assuring head nod and walked out.

She was right I should calm down and not let this stress me. Of course tough times called for strong people but I was bearing more then enough weight. I sighed heavily thinking about all the things that could have took place instead and determined that it could always get worse.


I danced around the house with nothing but my robe on. Some music always did the trick with helping me relax. Not no classical music but my hood shit. I grabbed my clothes from the closet and then headed to the bed to lay them down. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

A picture of my sister laid on the bed with a box of her favorite candy. The only question that came to mind was who the fuck had been in my house and why. I looked at the items carefully before picking them up. It was picture of Sapharia and I when we were younger. I sat down on the bed remembering everything we had ever been through. She was no longer here and it hurt me. How could she not let him go? Did she really fear him that much that she would let it get that bad? the questions fluttered in my mind.

I inhaled deeply trying to calm my nerves, placed the items on the bed and then began to get dressed. My appointment was in an hour and I still wasn't ready yet. Nate name popped up on my phone as it vibrated against the bed. I totally forgot to tell him that I was leaving the hospital early to

"Hello?" His voice alarmed me. I paused for a minute and exhaled all the air I was holding in.

"Hey I'm so sorry, I forgot I had to get showered and changed for the baby appointment." I started to explain.

"Aye, aye listen. Its all good, I was just calling to see of you were still going to the baby appointment. Yah know time is winding down on us." He stated before the other end grew silence. I knew he was talking about more then the babies arrival.

He really missed me but I knew that we would never have that type of love again ever. A sigh on the other side of the phone caught my attention.

"Uhn yeah, I know..." I stumbled through words. "Okay then Leah, I gotta go. See you in a few." He mumbled. He had an attitude and I knew it. We were definitely at different parts of life and nothing changed that.
Nate's POV...

She's big as hell, I mean blow up balloon big as hell. Her stomach poked out a great deal and it had to be the cutest shit I seen in a while. I was a dead beat when Kiara was pregnant with my son. Now I was a dad full time. Shit was stressful but Kiara literally never came back from her trip, changed her number and everything.

Ana'Leah punched my in the arm when I didn't hear what she was saying. "Nathanieeeeel!" She whined. I screwed my face up at her before rubbing my arm. "You know that's abuse right? Domestic violence..." I added before laughing.

"Real funny asshole. You weren't paying attention to me. So look." She chimed before leading my eyes to the screen. Our baby girl was really almost ready for the word and I was really really excited.

"Nathaniel are you crying?" She quizzed moving her head to see my tears. "I'm good Leah." I stated simply. My heart began to hurt, our family wasn't a family for real.

"Are you sure?" She kept pushing. I nodded my head because what I really wanted to tell her would just make shit awkward and embarrassing.

I helped her as the doctor finish talking to us. The paper towel had that jelly shit all over it and it was a mess.

I hooked my arm to hers to help her up and made she wouldn't slip or anything when she got up with her clumsy ass.

"Thank you for showing up... To every appointment. Even when you were mad at me." She stated as soon. As we walked out the door. She was short so when my eyes met hers I was glancing at an angle. "It's my baby swimming around in there too. No matter what we go through I'm always gonna be there for her...And you." I spoke.

She hugged me tightly before walking toward the entrance. I stayed behind her but at a distance but she was waiting on me by the door.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked me again. I pressed my lips together and rocked back and forth on my feet.

"Yeah, I was just thinking. I promise I'm good." I lied through my teeth. Shit I knew I wasn't good but I wasn't going to stress her at least not right now. Time was winding down and before we knew it we'd be celebrating the arrival of our daughter.

"Oh okay. Well same is for you. I'll always be here for you, regardless." She said before walking to her car. It was clear she knew what was going on but she was good at avoiding what she didn't want bothered with, nothing nor anyone would change that.

Ana'Leah's POV

Nate was a liar. Regardless of what he told me, I knew him long enough to know he wasn't okay. I stepped into my car closing the door once both of my legs were in. I waved him goodbye one more time and then sped off.

He looked hurt and I knew my decision had a lot to do with that. Nate knew just like I did that we wouldn't stand a chance and that Ez and I loved each other. At the same time I knew once I kissed him that he realized I would never stop loving him and if Ez and I ever split at some point he would maybe had a chance.


For now the only thing I wanted was to rest. I was tired and I had yet again failed to tell Ez about the kiss. It was going to hurt him and I knew it was. Planning on the right time would take a long time especially since now he was in the hospital.

Only thing left to do now was wait...

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