Ashes To Ashes

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Her funeral, her death alone was a hard pill to swallow. Now watching her get buried six feet under didn't help one bit. Ana'Leah had to be the last one standing there, watching waiting. Waiting for what exactly, well she didn't even know the answer to that one but she was maybe still hoping it was all a dream.

Everything that is. Her sister dying, Ez getting shot, The kiss, Ez finding out about the kiss, and Especially Ez leaving. She had to face the facts that even her worse nightmare's couldn't beat how real this was, how real it felt. Maybe just maybe something would go right and make her smile.

Ez came to the funeral but he couldn't even stay. Not that he didn't want to but she told him to just go and that she wanted to be alone. She kneeled down next to the fresh pile of dirt just right making sure she sat comfortably.

"I'm very very sorry you know? I keep having this silly though that your going to just show up and tell me it was all my imagination, that your still here and never going to leave me. God Sapharia just please come back. This is by far the worse pain I have felt since twin died. I can't be with out you both I'm not mentally ready for this. I'm so hurt, angry...broken." She cried out.

To be honest no matter how real it was she would be stuck in her denial for some time. She new deep down that she was in fifty places at once in life, she barely knew herself anymore.

She grabbed her purse and then made her way to her feet. Ana'Leah couldn't have realized how big she had gotten because her eyes widened up. She placed one hand on her stomach and another to her back once she finally got all the way to her feet and began heading to her car.

"Okay moms next week end. Head ache pills very important." She mumbled to herself. It wasn't that her family was annoying but they were a special type of people. She loved each one but more the. One or two days around them made her want to kill a few.

Once she got home she made her way inside making sure to grab her keys from the door. Cause the chances of her forgetting them were big, huge, very likely.

Food √
Suit cases packed... Not checked.
Cards √
All other bullshit √√√√

After going through her list she looked around her room at the mess she made trying to get situated. If she didn't pack no she wouldn't pack at all until the day it was time to leave. She rummaged through the clothing and products scattered around the room trying pick out all the right items.

One by one she found everything at least for one of her suit cases. Though she was in there for more then a hour she still had one more suit case to fill up but that was the least of her worries.

Ooooo she thought to her self as she placed a hand against her stomach. A pain had struck her and it was one like she never felt. At first she thought it was just a kick, maybe the baby was moving around a little.

That's when she felt her pants get soaked. Her water had broken and with no warning another contraction hit.

Ahh shit.

She mumbled under her breath. Her thoughts jumped around her head as she went to reach for her phone. Of course she was going to call Ez but she knew she had to call Nathaniel first.

She wouldn't be able to get to her car so she had no choice but to call an ambulance. Nate and Ez stayed a good distance away from her and Ez would take forever from panicking alone. She could only use one of her options.

Ana'Leahs POV...

The hospital was lonely when no one came with you, of the course the occasional doctor and nurse came through but other then that nobody. I was reevaluating my life for the first time since this morning trying to make since of everything going on. I was literally about to have nobody except my baby girl. Not exactly how I pictured my life but something beautiful would blossom at some point.

"Hey missy the Epidural treating you well I see." The nurse came in starting conversation. "Yes it is, its great.... Literally." I said chuckling.

"That's good. Give us some more time. It's going to be a long labor for you. So far your only 6cm dilated. Your contractions of course are like less then two minutes apart. You probably won't be giving birth until tomorrow or later tonight." She passed the message on. I rubbed my stomach as I rested my head back on the bed.

"Thank you." I mouthed as she walked out the room shutting the door behind herself. I was nervous for the first time I was more then overwhelmed. With joy of course but another part of me was doubt. I was not a doubter. The feeling of doubting something and even someone is so gross to me.

I tried to move around some more to see if it would push progress but it didn't so instead I laid thete for what felt like three hours but it was only one hour that I had been here for and nobody was here yet.

I called Nate several more times before sending out one more call to Ez. He hadn't answered any of my calls, no he wasn't the father but I did expect his support as my boyfriend.

Time was eating me alive and before I knew it I needed some air.
- Excuse the length of these past couple chapters. Some of these will have way more detail and visual once I go and edit the chapters. Also I planned on finishing the book today but I promise tomorrow if not tonight the book will be complete which also means I will start editing on the 20th or 21st of this month. I deeply appreciate your patience.


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