What Remained

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It was final, she decided to meet Nate at this diner that was downtown. Princess Kai was with her of course and He said he would have Mishon with him. She wanted to see if they were on the same pages and if this is really what she wanted. She would know for sure and soon.

She had arrived early so of course she stood up once Nate stood next to the table. He gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek before she bent down to hug Mishon and place a kiss to his cheek as well.

"Hey how are you today?" She asked starting up small conversation. She payed attention to his movement and his eyes, they always gave him away and showed what mood he was in.

"What's going on? You don't seem yourself." She asked noticing his muscles tense up. Ana'Leah scooted herself back in her chair as she held Naomi in her arms.

Nate reached his hands out to grab her from Leah. "Come on, I want to see her little beautiful face." He said wiggling his fingers at her. She released a sigh handing her over to him. His muscles relaxed and his breathing was now at a normal pace in the timing of two seconds. Her tiny hands covers his fingers and she rested her eyes on him. Letting out little laughs every time he poked her little belly.

"Does she miss me?" He asked cooing at her small burps. She laughed when Nao threw up on his shirt knowing she was in the same place just about two hours ago.

"She just seen you yesterday crazy." Ana'Leah bluffed. That girl was already attached to her dad like she didn't know what. When ever she woke up from her sleep and realized it wasn't him she would pout for about five minutes until she held her long enough. He already had made her a brat.

"Whatever. You know she does that's why you just made that little ugly face." He said clowning me. She pouted at his words before rolling her eyes. "Yea I know. Your gonna make her act like a diva." She chimed rolling her neck. He bent his head down to lookat her side ways.

"Just like her spoiled, bratty as mama." He joked. Ana'Leah's small smile faded as she twisted her face up at him. "I'm so not a brat Nathaniel." she stated dryly trying not to laugh out loud. He looked at her and then busted into a fit of laughter.

Mishon looked at him as if he was a mad man before looking toward Leah and shaking his head. Ana'Leah giggles with Mishon once she caught his drift and then looked at Nate again.

"So how's life been treating you?" She asked trying to get back on track with why they were here. He looked up from Naomi before looking back down to finish wiping her mouth. "Its been pretty blessed actually. I got a new house to own. Decided to make my stay here permanent. I have this beautiful baby girl and my baby boy and honestly only one thing his missing from my life." He stated before licking his bottom lip.

"And what's that?..." She said putting the question on the table. He looked at her puzzled because usually she didn't care about if he was sad about her decision but now he could tell she wanted him to say it. "You..." He muttered leaving the table silent for about her five minutes.

"Good. Cause I love you Nate and as Much as I cant stand what you did to me. I wished you would have proved me wrong in those three months we weren't together before I started going with Ezriel. Even so, maybe then you would have had a chance but Ez was a sweet heart who loved me unconditionally and didn't make me feel like I was this alone so of course the slim chance you had with me had ran out." She chanted as if it was something she had been holding in for months on top of months.

"I tried though Ana'Leah but At the time you were still cleaning those wounds. But I promise nothing like that or what we went through at all will ever happen again. I wanted to change for you so over this course of time I did just that." He started. They talked some more and before they knew it, it was almost like old times. Laughter, life ,love and no arguments.

"So I did end up getting that promotion. I'm now the Manager of the company. Looking to move up soon again. The boss is sick and wants me to take over if anything just so happened, to happen." He said letting his eyes brows dance upon his face.

"That is great Nate! I'm so proud of you. You worked your ass for this." She started as she peered out the window. They had to be at this diner for hours chatting it up.

"Look at the time. How long have we been here?" She questioned once she seen the time on her watch. She looked over around the kids who were chilling, Naomi looked sleep and Mishon coloring watching us. Much like we were the kids. "I think its time to go. Come over later or now if you want maybe we can talk some more you know." She stated before getting Naomi situated again and hugging the boys, placing kisses in each of the soft cheeks.

"I'll be over later. I'm going to drop Mishon at his aunts house to chill with his cousins for a few. I just wanted him to see you first." He stated. Ana'Leah nodded at his words before heading out the door.

At the house Ana'Leah got comfy. She threw her hair in a sloppy bun and put on some joggers and a white undershirt. Naomi was fast asleep after being fed and was comfortable too.

A half hour later a knock on the door catches her attention. She walked down the hall to the door to answer it. Of course it was Nate so she let him in.

He looked comfy too, he had on jogging pants and a T-shirt and some white air forces. "Come in come sit down." She said leading him to the couch.

They talked and talked for hours non stop. Catching up some more and talking about there old days. Good and bad of course. They were helping heal each other and getting each other together. He stayed for a while to playing with Naomi and getting her ready for bed time.

The next time she looked over Naomi was watching him as he slept peacefully. She took the baby out of his arms and carried her to her room so she could go night, night and then grabbed a soft blanket from the closet to give to him.

"Uh, uh." He said before she could throw it on the couch. "I'm sleeping upstairs with you. Together or not you know I don't do couches. They make me feel un welcomed." He complained.

"Alright whatever. I'm heading up there now if you're coming." She stated shrugging it off. He lifted his body off the couch and followed behind her.

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