.The Letter.

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My eyes filled as I began reading the four page letter. My heart thudded as I fiddled with the edges and for the first time I got what was going on around me.

I started read out loud to myself letting my mouth take over where my mind was.


Dear Ana'Leah,

It was no mistake that I met you, the way you walked, talked and carried yourself caught my attention even before I got a glimpse of your beauty. Fact is that we were meant to be friends even if not lovers/ partners/ together in any sort of way. I say this because you met me when I was at most vulnerable and when you were most vulnerable.

Your hurt never stopped you from smiling and you always looked out for me. You never looked at me for my money and your intentions were never to hurt me or to push me away. Sadly enough our intentions are never always on track so things like heart break did happen and things did take place that I wish we could take back but I love you regardless.

I love you enough to let you go and let you be where you want to be. You know like I know you are still deeply in love with Nate. Just from how you felt you needed his validation for us to start dating I knew you did. How you need his perceptions on anything you do. The way you smile at him and look at him. I seen love and though I know you love me, he's always going to have those parts I could never get to. He seen into your insecurities deeper then I ever could.

The way you bite your lips when your nervous and hold your head down when your wrong but can't admit. To be honest even though I hated that nigga at first he became really cool. He helped me with our last perfect night together and through out time he gave me advice on how to make you smile.

He still loves you and I want you to try with him again. Not because I'm gone but because I think he changed enough to show he came a long way. He wants your family together and I know you do to.

Any who, I love you babygirl. Give Nao a kiss for me and tell little mishon I said I'm a miss him and give him a dap for me. Stay up and keep living. You the shit baby!

-Love Ezriel.


He was right and the fact that he cared as much to tell me was amazing. Of course I didn't really know if Nate was going to get all his shit together, but i do love him and maybe he did deserve another chance. I didn't want to move things to fast though. I guess only time could help with this one.

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