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Needless to say I still hadn't told Nathaniel I started seeing Ezriel. Not that it was a secret but because I knew he would over react. He always over reacts.


  I stepped outside in all black. At this time I'm huge and sweaty and of course my silly ass decided to wear black. Ez came and helped me down the stairs and I to his car. He was a gentle men. Of course he had a few rough edges but who didn't. At least we didn't argue every day.

    Everything we needed for our picnic was placed in the trunk and Ezriel was placing the waters beside the basket of food we were bringing to the small gathering. It would only be his sisters and his older brother and his brothers girlfriend.

   I was nervous meeting some of his sibling so quickly but I guess that was okay.

   We drove down the street to a park that was about fifteen minutes from his house. It's a beautiful park filled with flowers. The main gates were covered in my favorite flowers; Roses. The entrance was a grand white picket fence that wrapped around the entire park.

   I could see a small group of people already sitting next to the cement path with many baskets and maybe two blankets. We could hear the laughing from where we stood and crazily Their laughs were distinguishing. It must run in the family cause I automatically could tell they were his family members.

   "Damn do all of y'all laugh like that Ez." I joked at Ez. He seemed to he to caught up in his thoughts to notice me. His leg shook wildly and he kept looking around as if some mysterious person would pop up in our presence at any minute.

   His behavior was off for a change and the ora he carried was maybe a little negative. "Are you good baby?" I asked grabbing his jaws. He clenched his it but loosened when his eyes met mine.

   "I'm good, baby." He said grabbing onto my hand. "Follow me." He added pulling us through the fence opening and leading us in the direction of his family.

   My palms were sweating and my level of nervous had risen up to the  max. What if they didn't like me? Yea Ez does but maybe somebody was once better then me. Why the fuck should I care if they didn't like me though? Should their opinion really matter? I don't give a fuck what they think, period.

   We finally stood face to face with them. I wasnt sure why it was so awkward at first until I remember he told me about how last time him and everyone else talked they were on really bad terms. So the call surprised him but he wanted to give it a try.

  Everyone was quiet for the first couple seconds and then boom someone said it.

   "Heyyyy baby brother." The oldest sister asked. She grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him in for a hug while placing a kiss to his cheek.

   Then came everyone else with the hugs and followed by some I miss you's.

   His older brother's girlfriend noticed me first. She must have been part of the family for a while cause she questioned him. He didn't like being questioned by people he wasn't close with.

   "Who's this Ez?" She asked. Her face didn't look to pleasant when she heard his next words. "This my girl Ana'Leah."

  "Mhmm since when?" She questioned him again. His eye brows furrowed together and his light skin turned a apple red. his eyes darted between her and his brother.

   "Aye why you asking so many questions like I owe you an explanation. I don't owe you shit to be honest." He mouthed off. I could tell things would possibly spiral out of control if I didn't try to calm him down. "Baby calm down. it's not that serious." I said rubbing my hand on his arm.

     his ace curved into a smile and then he bent down to kiss my cheek. "My bad, you right baby. but anyways. This is My girl Ana'Leah. When been together for about four weeks, almost a month." His eyes twinkled as he spoke. I laughed at his enter child that popped up.

    "And she's pregnant." One of his sisters implied while placing her hand on my stomach. her words and actions caused my smile to fade and my heart to thud quickly. " How many months and do disrespect but is it you baby Ezriel?" she asked adding on more anxiety.

   "Uh, It's not his baby." I blurted out maybe a little to fast. Ez looked down at me noticing my change in emotion. Usually he was right on the spot making sure my mood swing stayed low. "It's nice to meet all of you though." I mumbled lowly.

    his youngest sister Marena looked at me as if observing me. She looked like she could be no older then eight teen and had the body of a twenty three year old. "It's nice meeting you too, Hey, I'm Marena, Thats Kc and her over there with the touchy fingers is Ari. Over there talking to his girlfriend is Ezikiah and the bitch with his is Sabrina" She introduced. I looked around at all of them and grew surprised when they all smiled ear to ear at me, well all accept for Ezikiah and Sabrina who were walking the path.

   "Sorry if I offended you. I just ask a lot of questions." She said smiling. I smiled back and nodded at her to let her know there was not any problems though at the moment, I wanted to rip her throat at o her body.

   "So what we got to eat over here!" Ezikiah yelled jogging toward us. It lowkey reminded me of Ezzy because of the love he seemed to have for feasting on anything. He smiled once he reunited with the group. He spotted Ez and I over by a small group of rose bushes and walked in our direct, once we spotted him we met him half way.

   "Hey bruh. My bad about that corny shit she was on." he added looking in my direction. "Anyway. Hello, i'm Ezikiah. It's nice to meet you Ana'Leah." he said taking my hand in his. I blushed not catching myself and  earned a scowl from Ez. Before anyone could think Ezzy popped both of our hands.

    "Hell no, don't even bruh." he said mugging ezikiah. We laughed but I can tell he was so serious.  My smile diminished as we began walking back over to where the picnic was taking place. I could feel Ezikiah's eyes all over me. The feeling was odd; a little to odd. He was definitely making me feel uncomfortable.

   "Yall ready to eat!" Kc shouted excitedly as we sat down on the soft large blankets. The boys sat the baskets next to each other and then went to go get the drinks and coolers. While the guys did that the girls stayed aking sure nothing ended up missing. We were already talking and laughing like we new each other for years, it was pretty cool but something was off with how everything was played out. They acted as if nothing ever happened between them.

    Something happened though. When the boys came back Ezzy was mad as fuck and his cheek had a redding bruise. Ezikiahs nose was bleeding and they were feet apart. "Lets go Leah!" he yelled as he stood right before us. he picked up the basket and took my hand to help me up.

   "But Ez wait. What happened? I wasn't ready to go." I stated already upset.

    "I don't care let's go. This shit can only go bad to worse." He said. I dusted my self off and frowned. He pulled me along behind him making it hard for me to keep up. "Bye you guys!" I yelled before they couldn't hear me anymore. They waved at me and then were out of sight.


     Those things we fear will come back to haunt us. Usually do.

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