Chapter 26

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Ana'Leah's POV...

I didn't believe that what was said was true. I walked in the room to nothing, literally...NOTHING was left inside. Everything was packed up and put away in boxes and bags. My heart sank to the pit if my stomach and my head fell letting my eyes study the floor.

"Wow, empty doesn't look good on these walls." I mumbled into the air. Ez laughed and got up to hug me.

"Yeah well, Pretty soon we won't ever be looking at these walls again. Did you make up your mind yet?" He asked. I licked my lips and took a deep breath. "Ez I can't. I want to so badly but I'm scared on the fact I know Nate's gonna do a custody battle." I let out.

His smile faded as soon as he heard my words and he turned away from me. He let his hands rest on his head and then turned back to me. "I kind of figured but I was hoping something would change. How do you know he would want a custody battle anyway?" He asked curiously.

"Ez, because he told me. I asked him his he would feel about me leaving. He said he was not letting his daughter be that far away from him." I vented a little. He dropped his head in his hands again and shook his leg.

"Look, Babe I want you to come with me but I understand how hard that shit is. So I can't even be mad at you can I?" He added. I gave a fake small smile and nodded.

"I'm sorry Ez, I'm soooo sorry. You probably honestly hate me. I would hate me to though." I responded. He looked at me like he was appalled by my words. "Hate who. You. Nah never that. A little hurt still yeah. But baby I promise I would never hate you. I love you and that's why I'm not stressing or pressing your decision. I want you to be happy. Regardless of my own feelings, how you feel it what matters to me." He spoke grabbing me by my waist. We shared a laugh before making our way to the floor. "Ughhh I love you too." I stated kissing his face.

"So why Cali? The world is big. Why not travel else where?" I asked quizzing. A small smile formed on his face before demolishing. "Because I'll finally be able to find my son. I found out his mother lives out there now." He admitted.

"Well I'm very, very happy for you. I hope you finally get to see your son. I wish you nothing but the best you know that right?" I exclaims pushing my head against his chest. He smiled and hugged my body close to his. He knew how to handle my attitudes and of course they weren't the best part of me but that was the point, they were a part of me. He could deal with anything I threw at him. I was going to miss him a lot.

"Of course I know that or you wouldn't be here now and thank you. I'm very glad I had yo little ass supporting me on this journey." He said. I lived for the moments when we got sentimental with each other. They showed our true emotions and that we could trust each other with a darkest areas.

"Come with me real quick, I got something to show you." He stated helping me to my feet. We walked over to the door and then he opened it to lead me out.

I hadn't even noticed the time that went by and it seemed to already be getting dark. His items were already being placed into a secured garage until he found a way to get them across the country so he had nothing an air mattress left here and a blanket with a couple suit cases he would be taking with him.

"Baby what time is it?" I asked gazing outside while he slipped some shoes on.

"It's going on ten." I said plainly. I eat he'd him as he placed a shirt onto his tatted body and for some weird ass reason he reminded me of Nate the way his tatted danced around his body and the way he seemed to keep me together even when we both knew they were falling apart. He handled our problems differently most definitely but I seen so much in him that didn't quite appear to me before.

"Hey, come on. I'm ready now." He chimed grabbing my hand. He pulled me through the door locking the bottom lock before we trotted down the porch steps.

"Where are we going silly?" I questioned curiously. He looked around at the stars and hummed something familiar. It was twinkle twinkle little star. I laughed at his childishness but wondered what he was getting at.

Nate's POV...

I was excited. Ez may have been a pain in my ass most of the time but at the moment he was doing me a favor. Leaving.

I told Ana'Leah a bullshit lie that if she left I was going to try and get full custody of our daughter. No, I would never do anything like that but she most definitely would have had some kinks to figure out if she did ever move that far.

He knew I was bullshitting though. I figured that out when he came to me a few hours ago. His plan was to get Ana'Leah to this dome to see the galaxy or some shit for the last perfect night they'll have with each other. I was down for it. He asked me to set everything up in her favorite color and make sure nobody else was there to ruin it.

That also meant my ass couldn't be there either. So I left an hour before the arrival time. He sent one last text to me and it was to say good-looking for the help. I helped for myself though not him. Fuck he thought.

I whipped down to the diner to get something to eat and sent a reply to Malaysia. I was cutting off all ties to that bitch. I was about to get my Fiancé back regardless of anything else. I refused to see her in another man's arms.

Ezriel's POV...

Shout out to that nigga Nate for the help. To no surprise that shit was looking nice as fuck. The stars were glowing And the dimmed lights were showed in her favorite color. Neither of us dressed up and we were comfortable.

"Do you like it?" I asked as here mouth still hung wide open. She looked around puzzled damn near about to cry me a river. "It looks so beautiful in here Ez and look at the stars. Are we going to watch the stars.?" She asked still amazed. I grabbed her hand again and walked her over to where are time would be spent before we had dinner.

I planned on having the last perfect night with her. Before she went back to Nate that is...

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