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Please excuse the fact that I was definitely late on my updating. I try to make sure I follow schedule but I am a high school/ college student. Please be patient with me. Plus in a couple of days the book will be complete ❤.
Love always,
Mission pt 2.

Ana'Leahs POV...

"Yo, yo can y'all niggas hear me." I spat into the phone. I was two second from losing my little mind. I didn't want to lose my nigga and babies father in the same day. I shouldn't have even let this happen I should've just got them to stay out of it but no.

My phone still hadn't gotten a reply from the other end and I was lost. With everything going on and everything that needed to be said shit was just wild.

"Yoooo Leah you still there?" I heard Nate chirp on the other end. I rushed to pick it up. "Yes, yes Nate I'm here. Are you guys okay!?" I said losing my panic.

"Yeah, we all good. Are you?" He asked now whispering. "Yeah I'm fine but why are you-." I started to say but got quiet when I heard voices on the other side of the door I was behind. My heart dropped all levels and i could feel it thudding through my chest.

The voices on the other side of the room began to fade out and I finally regained my breath. "Y'all have to get out of there now." I whispered just in case someone was still around. I know they had to think this little van was suspicious but literally every van around the building was like this.

"Roger that. But how? Cause they sweeping these halls. I'm surprised we wasn't caught." Ezriel said into the phone. I laughed knowing he was dead ass serious.

"Look your hall is clear now so if you can get out of there." I said watching the surveillance in front of me. Lord knows they needed to get out of there and quick.


The fact that not more then five minutes ago Ana'Leah was telling us to get out of there and now we're still sitting in the closet really is pissing me off. This was suppose to be clean with a few bodies and then done. The black out was suppose to be our escape.

I kept thinking about how much time was being took up cause this mission was suppose to go down in two parts but now was gone be split into three.

"On a count to three we walk up outta here." I whispered standing to my feet. He nodded in agreement before following up behind me. "Aight. One, two, three." I opened the door slowly as I slipped through. The light were still of which meant if someone was coming we would know because they need some sort of light.

About half way down the hall three men hit the corner. Ana'Leah always came through so when the siren started back around the corner they came from they turned around. Nate and I jogged to the exit before Ana'Leah gave us the go and then headed out the door.

"Nigga breathe." Nate spat. I guess my heavy ass breathing was pissing him off. "Fuck man, nigga I'm trying. You know how long it's been since I ran." I announced. He laughed at me for a grip and then we started toward a set of white vans...

A sound came from behind us and after a moment of shock I couldn't feel my leg. I reached down to touch it and the feeling finally hit me, I got shot. My leg was drenched in the red liquid. Pretty soon I heard another gun shot. This time it hit my chest, I could feel my breath slipping and my eyes lowering. I was going to die and I knew it.

My life flashed before my eyes. Everything I knew and believed leaving me. I could hear someone calling on me. "Ez come on my nigga wake up." I heard them say while tapping my face to keep me woke.

Nate's POV...

This nigga just had to get shot. Not only did this really slow shit down but Ana'Leah would probably blame me and how the fuck did he got shot and not me, not that I was complaining but that was crazy as fuck.

I carried him to the van we were in and laid him down taking a piece of cloth and wrapped it around his leg for pressure. I let the other guys fix the second wound on his chest. If he died shit just wouldn't make since.

"Man what the fuck!" One of the other dudes in the mission with us yelled. I was already outside of the van getting the bags when I heard him. I looked in the opposite direction and seen what the problem was. I hurried and threw the bags through the doors and jumped in.

Once I slammed the door shut Ana'Leah popped up on the other end of the phone. "Yo what's going on over there?" She asked curiously. Her voice was high pitched and I could tell she was really really worried. I didn't have it in me to tell her Ezriel ass had got hit in some gun fire so I told her everything was cool.

"We good, everything strait we getting up out right now." I assured her as the van sped off. "We are too." She announced. Another van had pulled off right after we did. It was right on our bumper and shit could get reckless and quick.

Bullets ricocheted off the vans tinted window. But the van it's self had as many holes as it could get. About half way out the entrance it hit a large can of liquid. I could've sworn the large can was gasoline and if it was well it meant fire was coming next. We hit a huge swerve before we heard a loud commotion behind us.

A frenzy of flames grew near where they got the gas. We were almost toast, literally. Before a nigga could blink there was a fire in front of us and two vans in each side. The only choice we had was to fall back and go behind them.

We reversed and then sped to the side. We cracked a window on each side and started loading their vans up. I hit two people and then shut the window. "Aye go this way." I demanded once I spotted the perfect get away route.

Once they were out of sight I let out a sign of relief. I peered down at Ez and shook my head. The nigga wasn't that bad to be around. He was annoying as shit but the clown wasn't a bad nigga, he just had some loose screws.

"Ana'Leah we safe. Are yall good?" I quizzed through the phone. "Yea, were all good. Where is Ez?" She asked. Her question threw me off and I didn't know what to say. I waited a moment before taking a deep breath. "Ez is hurt."

The other end grew extremely quiet. "What do you mean hurt? How hurt is he?" She dug deeper with questions.

"He was shit twice." I said swallowing hard. "Once in the leg and another time in the chest." He's still breathing but his condition is critical." I muttered. I could feel her pain all the way through the phone. She was hurt. I heard her swallow and then hang up the phone.


- We won't try to hint what it feels like during a dying love, but we will show you what the beginning of a disaster looks like.

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