Gone For Good

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Tears were on the brim of her eyes, the day was here and her decision was final. She was staying here and I was leaving. With that being said we broke off our relationship with the reasoning that long distance wasn't going to cut it. Not being around her wasn't going to cut it.

I let go of my suit case and wrapped my arms around her one more time. The hug had to last a good five minutes and even when I was ready to let go she wasn't. I was expecting her to say she would come but I knew why she said no, even though she promises that its not the reason. Her ass still loves Nate and it would never change.

"No matter the circumstances. I'm glad I met you and got to know who you were as a person. As my best friend and as my girlfriend. You made me realize that sometimes it's not what were going through, its how we get through it and I appreciate that. I appreciate you. You made me one with myself and one with love. I love you and no matter what I hope we can stay in touch. Even remain bestfriends if that's okay..." I started. She lifted her head off my chest and began looking up at me.

"Of course its okay and you know I love you back. Besides who would I be if I never met you... I would be bitter, cause for a moment I was and like a hero you came to my rescue and you made me better. You made me realize that I didn't need anyone to be a woman with strength and a woman with guidance. You helped me back on my feet while I was down. Your someone I could never forget not even if I wanted to. You taught me the true meaning of being fearless. That there is no one who is or who could be. And for that I appreciate you a thousand times more then I could ever show." She replied. I looked down at her as the tears ran down her cheek.

Wiping them away I tilted her head at an angle up to mine. I pressed my lips against hers for one last kiss. I was gone miss my baby and even a million miles away she would always have a piece of me. She made me feel different about my point of view in life, something I thought would never change.

"I love you so much Ezriel, so so so much. You better not ever forget about me and I mean EVER..!" She said giggling. She pecked my lips one more time before they called for passengers to start lining up.

She of course walked me over to my line and then waited until I was one more person away from leaving. I gave her one last hug before pressing my lips to her forehead.

"I love you more baby girl.. Shit like that doesn't change our bond will never change." I mumbled before taking my place to the front. I handed the lady my ticket and looked in the view of Ana'Leah one more time.

She waved me goodbye before blowing me a kiss. Once I blew one back she turned around and began toward the exit. We might be separating ways but our time wasn't done. I left her a message at her apartment for her and Princess Nao
Ana'Leahs POV...

I watched as he walked through the door to board the plane. The pit of my stomach had eased up just a little bit and I was doing what I considered to be a bomb ass job holding back the rest of my tears. My only worry I had now was making sure his whole trip was safe. My drive home was only twenty-five minutes and though that isn't very long to me, it felt like eternity.

I wondered what the kids were doing at Nates sister house. Tiana was a great person and most of all she was terrific with children so not one price of doubt hit me when he said she wanted to see the baby. Plus she was trust worthy and wouldn't or couldn't hurt a fly.

What felt like an hour or two later I was home again. A nice shower and a bowl of left over chicken noodle soup would do well for the night plus I still had baby gifts and clothing to organize AGAIN. I shuffled over to the closet grabbing my robe down before heading for the bathroom.

I turned the shower on to my favorite temp, hot. It seemed to be a more relaxing type of heat today. Only if it could relax my mind the way it needed to be.

Something in me was shifting I felt Luke I pushed him away even if he didn't leave because of me. Maybe I should've left with him. Deep down I knew Nate was just saying shit but I couldn't have him and Naomi separated like that.

Speaking of Naomi, i've been home from the hospital for a week now and I still hadn't put her crib together, let alone been in her room. She has been in my room since she got here. Not one part of her room was complete as far as I knew and that meant after this shower I would start decorating.

Once I stepped out of the shower I dried off and then put on some lotion. I slipped my jammies on next and then straitened the bathroom back up. Cleanliness was key.

Naomi Kai Kanin Sherperd, her name rung in my head. I walked two doors down then turned right stepping in front of her door. When I opened the door I was in complete awe. Her whole room was complete, walls painted, crib together, and her name spelled in wooden block letters right above her cradle my mom got her.

With no hesitation I instantly thought of Ezriel's and nine times out of ten he did this all in a day because I wasn't home only on that one day: The day I gave birth. I walked around the room looking at all the details and designs. Baby monitors and baby toys, it was so beautiful.

Finally my last stop was by her crib. I looked down at it letting my eyes trace the design of the small quilt inside. On tope of the quilt was placed an envelope that was also designed and had my name in it.

I took the envelope and opened it. I pulled out the papers and oddly enough it was a letter.


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