Chapter 10

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Nathaniel's POV...

Here I was pouring my heart out to a women that would never be her...


Every nigga fucked up. Even I know that. I guess knowing and showing it is two different things and she was tired. Couldn't blame nobody but myself but that day I put all the blame on her. Quite frankly I didn't give a fuck either.

Now here I am pouring my heart out to another women who doesn't even compare. This bitch can't take care of herself nor could she do for me. She's never going to be my Ana'Leah, no one ever would.

"Look at you. You can't even eat all that food." I mumbled. This broad was crazy. How the fuck she order four plates of food and can't eat it.

"Boy, shut up." She said hitting my shoulder. She laughed with a bunch of food in her mouth causing some to fly from its place and on to the table. Shit was disgusting and she didn't care. Ana'Leah would never do no shit like like that.

There was no more Ana'Leah and it might have been easy to reverse if I hadn't have got disrespectful with her the last time seeing her. I went to damn far and though I didn't mean it, I did at the same time. Wish My heart wasn't so full of pride but fuck it.

"You okay?" She questioned me as I stared of into space. I didn't want to look at her. If looks could kill everyone would be dead as fuck right now. Dropping one by one.

"I'm strait homie. You done?" I asked quickly. Her eye brow raised just a little at my remark and she finally wrapped up her meal with one last bite.


"Nate you're acting funny today. What's on your mind." She blabbered. My next words meant more harm then a little bit and I didn't care if they hurt her feelings or not."My ex Fiancé. "

Even though I was suppose to be seeing if I should take this somewhere, my mind was already not having it.

"Oh." She she said before finally silencing. I opened her door for her and let her crawl in the seat. I left before shutting her door and then climbed into my side of the car.

"Put on your seat belt." I demanded as she scrounged her face up at me. I checked my mirrors and looked in the rear view one last time as I started up the car.

"She will always have that part of you huh?" She asked breaking the silence I loved listening to. I sighed heavily and pulled the car into a small shop parking lot.

"Fuck having a part of me. She all I know." I let the words roll off my tongue with ease. "Look Naudi. Chill out, go to work and have a good day. I'll see you tomorrow. Okay?" I asked she began climbing out the car.

"Whatever Nathaniel. And thanks I guess I'll try." She said slamming the door behind her. I mugged as she walked away laughing. I hated when she did that stupid ass shit.

Naudi was a cool girl. She was pretty, thick (not like Ana'Leah) and had a chill vibe. Only thing was she was trifling when eating; unlady like as fuck.

She for sure wasn't my type but she was definitely fuck able at the moment. Her lil Kat was a decent percentage of right. No smell, decent grip, wet and shaved.

She wasn't from New york but she was from down in Florida. We met down there at a little tea shop after I met with Ana'Leah about one of those appointment I constantly lost.

That was something else Naudi was good for. She always helped me remember appointments by texting or calling me and hour and a half in advance. She always kept up on where I lacked. Guess I'd forever be like that. As much as I wished I could change it I knew I wouldn't.


Once I got in my apartment I got into the shower. For a few moments I thought I felt someone come in and place the hands on my back and body, until I went to grab hold of them and caught air: Again. She was really gone and the shit was turning me crazy. Making me want to flip shit all the way over.

I took some of the body wash and lathered up my Egyptian washing towel. I cleaned my body and then stayed in some more as I rinsed and collected my mind.

When I was done I threw my clothes on and starting lotioning up. I put some grease in my hair and on my ash ass elbows then headed to the hall way closet to get a blanket.

Usually all of this would be set out for me but since she thought it was okay to up and leave me. I sincerely thought she was coming back to me and in so many ways I was wrong.

This was gonna be some longs years without my baby. The hurt a lone from that thought wasn't bearable.


P.s I'm sorry that this chapter kind of sucks. I just wanted to give you a little touch of Nathaniel's coming along.

Low key was falling asleep. But much love.


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