Chapter 22

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Game Time...

No POV...

Ezriel moved down the hall and into the bedroom swiftly. He left out of Ana'Leahs house in regular clothing but now he had to pack his all black attire. He grabbed his suit and tie and laid it out on the bed, he put his other clothing into a drawstring book bag and then headed into the bathroom.

After a quick twenty minute shower he began getting suited. His suit was maroon and black, along side a pair of crocodile shoes. He placed his black hat on top of his head and did a short spin in the mirror for the one time.

Before heading out he grabbed the black shiny suit case and headed out the door and securing every lock.


"Yo Ana'Leah you bout ready up there?" Ezreil yelled up the stairs. He stood impatiently, looking at his watch.

"Don't rush me Ez, we still have another hour before we gotta be there and yes I'm ready." She stated before dropping the suit case down to the floor.

Ezriel trailed upstairs to grab the stuff that needed to come with them.

Suit case√
Extra clothing √
Miss.Fat ass snacks √
Lab top √

Once he got back down stairs he stared Ana'Leah down, she was eating more snacks and had been all day. He sucked his teeth before scolding her. "That's enough baby, at least eat an apple, damn."

Her face screwed up tightly before putting the skittles back on the table. "I don't have any apples." She started pouting. She picked the skittles back up before Ezriel came and took them out of her hands.

"Yes you do. I just brought some when I came." He replied before heading to the car. Once he got everything situated he came and helped Ana'Leah to the car.

"You ready for tonight baby girl." He asked looking through the corner of his eyes. She smiled lightly before letting it fade into a look of blankness. "Of course I am. I'm ready for anything."


Nate's POV...

I was pulling up to Jayon crib a little bit earlier then need be. I truly ain't have shit else to do so decided to head over here and go over some more shit. When I pulled in the long ass drive way he was standing on the porch with his back glued to the brick wall behind him.

"What's happening G?" I asked coming in for a handshake. He lifted his eyes from his phone and clapped his hand with mine. "Shit nothin, you here bout an hour early." He stated the obvious.

"Well shit you know how that go." I implied as he continued to scroll through what looked like an article. "Yea, but listen at this crazy shit. Tell me why that Bozo ass nigga been losing his mind for about a year and they just now trynna help him." He explained.

I knew exactly who he was talking about. We knew the boy for some time and he seemed to have some issues for more then a year. "To be honest he had them issues for more then a year. On the other hand it still took them way to long to get him help." I added.

He wasn't paying attention no more and his face had lost color. I was curious on why but I show ain't wanna ask this nigga what he was looking at and why.

"Nigga look at this fucked up shit." He muttered tossing his bop phone in my direction. I grabbed the phone from the side of me and scrolled through the new article. My jaw had dropped and I shook my head sympathetically. "This some crazy ass shit bruh. I just Hope Ana'Leah don't lose her shit when she find out." I mumbled.

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