Chapter 8// Dinner at the Burrow

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Chapter 8

The next morning I received a letter back from Mum and Dad.

'Dear Rose and Albus.

I spoke to your Father and of course it took a lot of convincing. But he agreed and so did your Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry. I miss you and see you soon.

Love mum.'

"Scorpius," I smile turning to him at the Griffindor table. "Welcome to my crazy family."

"I can go?" He smiled.

"Yep." I say popping the 'p'.

"Does Albus know?" He asks.

"Albus! James! Scorpius is spending Christmas with us!" I shout across the table down the end. The both smile and put their thumbs up. At that point I didn't care if the whole table heard or even the people around us. I knew they gave me a hidden smirk as they heard the news but I just ignored it.

Malfoy was spending Christmas with us. And I couldn't be happier.

"You know you should be at the slytherin table." I say biting into my toast.

"Nah. I have you to talk to instead."

My heart fluttered. Just a bit.

The next few days went like a blur, Christmas was around the corner.
Albus, James, Audrey, scorpius and I were picked up by Aunt Ginny at platform 9 and 3/4.

"You must be Audrey!" Ginny smiled at the blonde haired girl. "And Scorpius! Well come along to the car."

Everyone tags along behind Ginny. I ran up beside her, tucking a strains of red bushy hair behind my ear.

"How's dad? You know, because Scorpius is spending Christmas with us." I say quietly enough so only she could hear.

"Look, Ron will never forgive anyone who put Hermione through hell at the mansion. But Scorpius is a good kid, he wasn't there, he's innocent and Ron will see that too." She smiled.

We parked the car and Ginny opened the door to our Cosy home. Warm air hit our skin, and the smell of chicken, potatoes, onion and bread hit our nose. My mouth watered and my stomach was about to eat itself.

"Wow. It's amazing." I heard scorpius say. Audrey agreed and held James's hand.

"Hello everyone!" Mum said pulling each of us in a hug. So did Uncle Harry, he was surprised and how much Scorpius looked like his Father but didn't say anything.
Dad smiled and have me a crushing bear hug. He shook hands with Scorpius eyeing him up and down, then hugged the rest.

"Hi Hugo! Hi lily!" I say pulling my little brother and cousin into a hug.
Lily's red hair was straight and tamed, unlike mine, and Hugo's hair was spiked at the front so it wasn't flat on his forehead.

"I have dinner ready! Everyone sit down!" Grandma, Molly called. Grandpa, Arthur, helped waved the end of his wand and plates, spoons, knifes and forks came floating down onto the table infront of each chair.

"Tuck in." Grandma smiled.

There was clanking of knifes hitting the plates as we cut into the chicken. Food was passed around the table and there was enough to feed us all.

"I like it here. And Molly is a Brilliant cook." Scorpius said to me. I smiled.

"So Scorpius," dad says. "How long have you been friends with my daughter?"

Oh, he just had to go there.

Mum gave him a warning look making sure he won't go to far.

"Well I met Albus, then I met Rose soon after on the first train to Hogwarts. But we weren't friends straight away. In third year we started talking, she is brilliant. She aces every test. I can see why, too, Hermione was brilliant and her studies I've heard." Scorpius smiled nervous at dad.

I glanced over at dad, he seemed okay with that answer and continued eating.

Boy, this will be a long Christmas..

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