Chapter 30// hospital

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Chapter 30.

"Professor McGonnagal!"I yell running into her classroom.

No one was there, expect from a tabby cat the leaped from the desk. In an instant, the cat transformed into a women with a tight bun and small round glasses.

I knew she could do that, I've just beer seen it. Its amazing how easy transfiguration looks.

"Is everything okay, Rose?" Professor asks.

"It's Scorpius's mother, she has cancer, she's at St.Mungo's Hospital-"

"Miss Weasley please slow down.
Is Mrs Malfoy okay?" She asks.

"I'm not sure professor, please let me see her." I pleaded.

"Very well then, since you will only miss your last class." She says pushing her glasses up.
"Over here, go by Floo Powder."

McGonagal hands me a small bowl of powder which I grab a handful of.

"I will need to let you parents know, don't be long Rose."

I nod and step into the fire place.
"St.Mungo's" I confidently say then throw the Floo Powder at my feet. I felt the warmth of the green flames as I landed into the cool air of a new area. I look around, stepping out of the fire place for when someone else appears.

I'm at the reception of the hospital. No one is lined up so I walk to the lady at the front and she looks up with a bright smile.

"Hello, what can I do for you." She smiles and her voice is high and too happy for a hospital.

"Ah, Aurora Malfoy." I say unsure.

With a flicks if the papers, the lady points to a names then glides her fingers to the last column.

"Yes, room 39, down the hall on your left." She smiles again.

I didn't waste another second, I dashed down the hall then at the end I tunrned left. It was the first door round the corner that read 39.

I pushed it open gently and went in. I saw Aurora in a bed with white sheets covering her lower body, Scorpius was sitting beside her holding her hand. He looked up at me, his change of expression was mixed of happy and exhaustion.
He had key go of his mothers hand to get up and hug me.

"I told you not to come, Rose." Scorpius said into my neck.

"I'm only missing one class, and you and Aurora are much more important than muggle studies." I say. He breaks away from the hug and looks at me unsure.

"It's not like there gonna teach us something I don't know." I smile, he chuckles and turns around to walk back beside his mother.

"Is she awake?" I ask him looking at her closed eyes.

"Rose." A small mumble came from the closed eyes. I lent closer so I could hear her. "I want you to have this, when the time is right."

I look down at her opened hand, it held a small silver ring. "Scorp will take care of it." She whispers opening her eyes as Scorpius took the ring out of her hand examining it.

Does that mean she gives us her blessing to be together?

And if we get married... Woah.

"Aurora, Scorpius and I might not get married." I say. I could see Scorpius shift uncomfortable in his seat.

"We will see." She smiles closing her eyes once again.

I glance at him. He gives a small shy smile.

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