Chapter 4: He's back

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A/N: Sorry guys for laving y'all on a cliffhanger but I had to stop to make this chapter work :-)

The picture above is Oliver. I know, all the Vampire Diaries. But they all match what I want.


Reyna's POV


Oh my god. He was actually here. The person who caused me so much physical and emotional pain. Oliver was a vampire? When did that happen? Was he always one? So many things raced through my mind while he stared at me looking amused. Like someone performing a show right in front of him.

"Well? Are just going to stand there like an idiot or talk?" he said like he should be the angry one.

" What do you want Oliver?" I said annoyed.

He pushed me against the door. Fast. It knocked the hair straight out of my lungs and I gasped.

"That's not the way to treat your boyfriend is it?" He said with that famous smirk of his.

"You. Are. Not. My. Boyfriend. And you never will be again." I said

He shoved me more against the door. He looked at me while pain rose in me. I let out a scream then he put his mad over my mouth and wrapped his other around my waist keeping propped up. What is happening? Then out of no where it stopped.

"What..." I said gasping for air. "What did you do?" I said still in pain.

"I used a special technique to cause pain. No biggie." he said making his hands tighter around my small waist.

What the hell? 'No Biggie?' That was a biggie. He's such a..ugh.

"What do you want Oliver?" I said again really annoyed.

"You." He said.

"That's one thing you can't have." I said surprised he said that.

"Why not my love?" He said almost convincing me he was actually confused.

"Because I don't need your abuse!" I said not being able to control my rage.

This time I think I would have preferred the pain technique. Right then and there he punched me right in the face. Not a slap. A punch. It seemed like he used all of his strength. I wasn't expecting it but he..he knocked me out. I fell to the ground.


Tyler's POV


I hate to admit it to myself but right now I'm terrified. Reyna was taken. They wouldn't let me out until it was over. I told them I didn't want a servant, so right after that I raced down the hall trying to find her. Then, I heard a muted scream. Not to long after that I heard a thump. Like someone fell to the ground. I came face to face with a door.

I heard 2 heartbeats. I could sense her. She's in there. I made sure no one was right behind the door and I tried to open it quietly. Locked. Great. So..You can guess what I did. I broke down the door.

What I saw put me in shock. Reyna. On the floor. Unconscious. Blood all over her face and on the floor. Suddenly I was pushed to floor. I looked up and saw Oliver. I got up quickly wanting to kill him for doing this to her. I could read his emotions. Not even a hint of guilt.

"What did you do to her?!" I yelled my voice filled with rage.

"Why would you think I did this to her?" He said sarcastically with a smirk.

"What did you do? I'm not asking you again." I said as my heartbeat sped up because of how angry I was.

"If I tell you the truth? Would you be mad?" Damn. I really hated him.

"Now!" I said as demanding as I could.

"Oh, first I just want you to know she's mine. Second, I did my special technique. Last, you know how I hate being disrespected right? Well, she disrespected me and paid the price." He said still smirking.

"Now you're paying the price for hurting her." He looked confused then surprised as I pushed him against a wall then used my special technique. He fell. I took all of his breath.

I got down on his level after he fell and whispered "This was a warning. Next time you try to get near or hurt her, you will pay the ultimate price." I said this time smirking as his faded as he went unconscious too.

I took her in my arms and took her with me. I layed her down on my bed and looked at her. She looked terrible. He must have hit her really hard. Her cheek was swollen while her nose, lip, and her eyebrow was actually cut. That might be from his nail.


I went down to the person in charge of the servants. I told him about Oliver breaking rules. 1: No hitting her. 2: No using the techniques on her. Those are the only rules. He broke both. The guy that I don't know the name of said he wouldn't be allowed to have the servants he picked. I told him I would take them. Just like I hope he gave all 3 of them to me. Reyna, Austyn, and Lexi. I didn't know the other two. The way Reyna looked at them made me know that she did. I get them in two days. I wonder why so long.


I was with Reyna for the rest of the night. After a few hours, her eyes started blinking open. She woke up and rose up.

"Oh no you don't." I said as nicely as I could. "You need rest."

She had worry in her eyes. "It's okay. I got him. He shouldn't bother you anymore. I took care of it, love." I said and scooped her up in my arms. I held her. She was mine again. I kissed her forehead, her slightly flinching.

"Thank you." she said barely above a whisper.

"Anytime, love." I knew my accent effected her. I loved the way she reacted to me.

She looked up at me. "I'll be right back."

She went into the bathroom and came out fifteen minutes later. She must have taken a shower. I left her undergarments and one of my shirts in there for her. Now all of the blood was gone and so was my hunger.

Right when she came out I put her against the door and looked down on her. She smiled then blushed. I used my finger and put it on her chin to make her look at me. I leaned forward then kissed her. Her soft lips syncing with mine. I knew just then she is mine. Only mine. Her lips still tasted like honey and after we pulled away I was left begging for more.

What the hell was this girl doing to me? That was the only question in my mind. I had to know.

A/N: Hoped you enjoyed the violence lol! Make sure to vote and get this book to 150 readers! We reached 100 today. Love you guys so much!!! <3

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