Chapter 24: Dammit

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A/N: Reyna is put into an induced coma by the needle. Hope that cleared any confusion.


Tyler's POV

I've been awake all night thinking about what I've done. If Reyna were to find out...I don't know what I would do. I'm afraid. All that's running through my mind is what I've done.

Before I could do anymore thinking, I was interrupted by the phone ringing loudly.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Tyler!," he said loudly enough to make me pull the phone away for a second. "How the heck are ya?"



"What do you want? To rub it in that I haven't found my wife yet?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Well not exactly. See, I have a proposal for you."

That grabbed my attention.

"What kind of proposal?"

"A trade."

"Keep going. Please."

"Well, right now I have your wife in an induced coma," my stomach dropped, "if you turn yourself in to me, and willingly let me kill you...she lives."


"Mathias, are you serious?"

"Nope." he said popping the 'p'.

"Okay, then what's the real proposal?" I asked a little too quickly.

"The part about the coma is true, I'll give you one hint. If you find her by midnight, I'll let you have her. If not, I'll take her out of the coma, and torture her to the brink of death. Then, I'll heal her and do it all again...Until she finally dies. Then I will kill you too. Deal?"

Do I want to risk her life?

I sighed heavily. "Deal."

I could hear the smile in his voice as he said "Well then. You're hint is: The walls are dark, the floor is hard, chains are mounted, and so is your heart. Good Luck."

The line went dead.

The walls are dark...the floor is hard...chains are mounted...and so is your heart.

It sounds like a cell..not the basement..

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

Reyna is in my old house. 200 miles away.

What time is it?

I looked at the clock. Oh shit. I have 30 minutes until midnight.

I think I have to use my wings. See, its not just our abilities as a Renx that makes us special. We have other things too. Some of us have wings, like me. Some of us can walk in the sunlight without a ring. Unlike me. Also other things that I don't know about.

This is going to be a lot of pain. I haven't summoned my wings in 300 years.

"AH!" its starting. "Bloody hell!! Bloody fucking hell!!"

It's over.

I went over to the window and jumped out and made my wings go full speed. 400 miles per hours. Which is unreasonably fast, I know.

28 minutes later.

I'm here.

I raced to the basement. And that's when I saw her.

"Reyna." I breathed out.

"Tyler. " said Mathias. "I'm impressed. I didn't think you would be here on time."

I ignored him and walked to Reyna. I took her hand and focused my energy to revive her.

Then, I felt a searing pain right below my heart. I looked down and found a wooden stake.

That's great. Note the sarcasm.


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