Chapter 7: She's Back

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A/N:  Above is McKenzie! Sorry for leaving you guys on a cliffhanger but my job is to keep y'all on your toes! Enjoy!

(Amanda Seyfried is McKenzie.)


Reyna's POV

It was really her. She wasn't dead. I ran towards her and threw my arms around her neck. I hugged her tightly.

"McKenzie! I missed you so much. Gram and I thought you were gone." I said as tears strolled down my cheeks.

"I was dead. For a whole 24 hours. A vampire bit me and made me become one. I was wondering 'hey, if a vampire bites you, don't you become a vampire?' but the vampire that saved me said it's only if they release venom into your system. Thought I should clear that up. I know you were wondering the same thing as me." she giggled.

"So, are you going to be 17 forever?" I'm pretty sure everyone saw the sadness on my face.

"Yeah." she looked sad too.

"Hey guys, can you leave us alone for a minute?" Kenzie asked.

"Sure thing." Tyler said. He brought Christiana with him.

"I missed you so mu-" I was cut off. My voice was muted. How?

"Sorry I had to do that so no one could hear you scream." she suddenly looked..evil? I think that's the word.

I mouthed a worried "What?!"

She used her speed and took me to the ground. "What is she doing?" 

"Just in case you're wondering, I just can't control my anger. Your blood just smells so delicious. Just...delicious." she is crazy!

"Also I can freeze you to where you can't move. Let me show you." Oh god.

She froze me. Kenzie took my wrist instead of my neck thank goodness at least.

She sank her fangs in. I was trying to scream but nothing.

"Good work Kenzie." I heard someone say. No. it can't be. How is Oliver alive? Tyler killed him.

"Let me join in." They both took one of my wrists and drank ever so slowly. They wanted me to suffer. Why is my own sister with him? And why does everyone want my damn blood?

I realized I can send mind messages to Tyler. God I hope this works..

"Tyler. Oliver is alive and Kenzie and him are both feeding off of me. Please help. Hurry!"  I sent that hoping he would get it.

Oliver suddenly had a stringer grip on me. Oh my...was he? He was.. He was injecting venom.


Tyler POV

I instantly got Reyna's message. I rushed in and saw it. Good. She was still conscious.

"Chris, get Kenzie! I'll deal with Oliver." I used my speed and knocked Oliver over. Christiana did the same. Christiana used her ability instantly and used it to erase the compulsion. I knew this guy was up to something. I just thought it ended when I killed him. How is he even alive? McKenzie instantly snapped out of it and is going to to unconscious for a couple of hours.

I sucked the breath out of Oliver. All of it. To make sure he was dead I used my emergency steak that I keep in my pocket. It's little but mighty.

Once everything was done I spotted Reyna. She was barley conscious but still there. Then I spotted something. Oh no. Oliver injected venom.

"Chris, do you know how to get out venom before the change?!" I was in panic mode.

"Yes. You have to suck it out of her. I'm still a baby vampire so I couldn't do it. I don't have control over my hunger."

"What makes you think I do?!" I yelled.

"Just do it!" She screamed back.

I walked over to her. I put my fangs on her wound. I started drinking. Oh, she was delicious. What am I saying? I can only drink until the venom is out. It was out quickly. There was only about an ounce. Still, enough to change her.

I couldn't stop. I had to. She was almost out of blood. Christiana pulled me away.

"I don't know if she'll survive. She needs more blood. She dangerously close to being out." she said worriedly.

"She has to have mine." I said. I was willing to give it to her. After all, I almost took it all. I felt super guilty. I loved this girl and almost killed her.

"What? I know that will heal her if she lives, but if she is compatible it will work but what if it isn't? Then she will die."

"Well I have to try!" I yelled. I bit into my wrist and made her drink.


A/N: Sorry guys. Short Chapter. I'll update tomorrow!


P.S. Give me ship names for Reyna and Tyler! Leave it in the comments!

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