Chapter 11 pt. 2: Impossible

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A/N: Not much to say but, I hope you guys like and can we get to 2K!?

Above is Jude and Franchesca. Couldn't find a better one. Oh well. Let's get started.


Tyler's POV

They have her. Franchesca used her ability. She paralyzed her and made her pass out. As soon as that happened I went for Jude. I don't want Reyna to get hurt; I love her too much. Jude is strong but I have to beat him. I'll find a way to have my girl.

Jude knocked me to the ground and used his ability. It's the same as Oliver's. He can inflict pain on any part of the body or all of the body at once. I was in pain but I tried to fight. I won't give up on her.

I managed to get out "Why the you want my love?" it was quiet but angry. And he could tell.

"My boss wants her. He gets what he wants, man. Sorry." Jude said.

He disappeared with Reyna and without any hesitation I went to Serenity's room. She's a tracker and can track her down from anywhere.


"Serenity!!" I shouted knocking on her door quickly. I know she is awake. She never goes to sleep when the moon is full. I have no clue why, maybe to observe?

She opened startled. "What?"

"Jude took Reyna! Come on. Track her please?" I said worriedly

"Why are you so hung up on this damn girl? She's obviously nothing but trouble." She said with a weird look on her face. I couldn't read what it was. That's coming from me. That's my ability.

"Excuse me?" I was really confused.

"She's nothing but trouble! I mean look, she almost died twice because of that Oliver dude so leave her be. Let her die. It's not like she has anyone why actually cares about her. You probably think love, but it's really probably lust." She said angrily.

"Okay, you listen to me Serenity. That girl is everything to me and I will do anything to find and get her back. If that means finding her myself then so be it." I said with rage filling my body.

When I finished saying that, she fell to the ground. There he stood. The very person I wanted dead. Oliver.

"Where is she?" I almost yelled at him.

"Now if I told you, it wouldn't be much fun now would it?" he said with a smirk.

I can sense her presence near. "I know she's here. Now give her to me."

"Jude!" he yelled. I knew what I had to do. I have to block him out and fast. I was too slow and Jude's ability soon filled me. Franchesca was with him and she made me go unconscious. My last thought before I went under was Reyna's lips.


Reyna's POV

I heard his voice. I know I wasn't dreaming. I hope Tyler is okay. I don't give a damn what happens to me. I just want him to be okay. I know what Jude can do. I heard everything.

Jude grabbed me from the closet and told Franchesca something but I couldn't hear it. I knew what it was and I knew to expect darkness and I was correct.


I woke up to a sound. A ringing. It was a cell phone. Oliver saw me. He has me. Dammit.

"Well, looks like your ability only lasts two hours on her." Oliver said to Franchesca.

"Do you know why I have you here my dear?" he said to me.

"No." I said quietly.

"Well, I have you here because your mine. I've told you this." he said. Oliver sped towards me.

"And this," he said tying me to the bed. "Is to make sure you don't go anywhere. Now Jude, Franchesca. You can leave us alone now."

I knew what that meant. He's said it to me before when he tried to rape me. He didn't because Gram came home and I was grateful.

I tried sending a mental message to Tyler. I hope it works. "Tyler. If I'm right, and I hope I'm wrong, he's going to rape me. I have no clue where I am but I can tell you that I've only been out two hours so, it isn't far. I love you."

"Now. Should we finish what we started a few months ago?" he said with a smirk.

"No. Please, God no." I said as a tear slid down my cheek.

"I wasn't really asking." He said and got on the bed.

Oliver took off his shirt. He started kissing me. I didn't kiss back so he took at as an opportunity to kiss my neck.

"You are an evil man Oliver. I hope you get what's coming to you." I whispered.

"Don't worry. You will get yours too. You didn't think I'd let you live did you? shouldn't even waste my time raping you. But I will and after, I'll sink my teeth in. Have fun in the next life. Franchesca! Paralyze her real quick please!" he yelled. Without even seeing her, I was paralyzed.


He did it. He raped me. I was crying so hard because I couldn't move. Franchesca's damn ability still effected me.

Oliver put my clothes back on. He put his on too.

"Are you ready for the painful part?" he said slyly.

"Of course not. But, I suppose that wasn't a question either. So go ahead. I'd rather die then spend another minute here with you." I spat in his face.

"That's it!" he yelled.

Oliver didn't hesitate. He pulled my neck hard a sank his fangs in. I let out a scream. He didn't bother covering my mouth. I felt him doing it again. Of course he had to inject venom. How can my day get any worse?

Before he could inject an amount that could effect me, Tyler ran in. Thank the lord!

"Let her go!" he yelled as he pushed Oliver off.

"Tyler.." I whispered. I can tell I've already lost over half of my blood because I was having trouble staying conscious. Tyler pushed Oliver out the window into water. I could tell because I heard the splash. I thought of Oliver being set on fire. I was trying to use my ability. I knew it worked when I heard Oliver screaming. I imagined him dead.

"Baby.." he whispered as he saw me.

"You're okay. Probably scared emotionally, but physically nothing is wrong." Tyler told me.

He untied me and I stood up feeling better. My blood was coming back surprisingly fast. I felt my neck and the teeth marks were gone.

"What the..?" I asked myself.

"You healed, love. You're okay." he said with a smile. He leaned down and kissed me gently and his lips were as soft as ever.

"Yes, she's fine brother but, you're not." Jude yelled as plunged a stake into Tyler's back.

That was the final straw as I saw Tyler fall to the ground. I imagined Jude and Franchesca on fire and they both went out the window into the lake. I spoke to the water. I told them not to let them get to the top for air.

"Tyler.." I whispered as I saw blood pouring from Tyler's back.


A/N: Well, that was intense. I'll update probably tomorrow. After tomorrow I probably won't update until Sunday. I have plans on Saturday. Sorry.

Love y'all though. I hope you enjoyed! Please vote!

<3 Carli

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