Chapter 8: Alive and Well

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A/N: Hey guys! I bet you were wondering what's gonna happen hm? Well you're gonna know ;)

Above is Christiana (Chris). Enjoy my readers!


Tyler's POV

I was making her drink. She had to live. Reyna was the light to my soul. Even though it's only been a few days I was bound to her.

"There," I said. "I gave her us much as I can."

"We have to wait a few minutes for her to absorb it." Chris said. She seemed worried. Not about her but me. I could read her emotions.

"When will I know if we are compatible?" I asked her. She is taking this vampire nursing class in the castle. I guess we need more nurses because they have like 50 servants in that class. That's what Chris said.

"In about two minutes. Only if her heart doesn't stop." Chris said like she was a little nervous.

God, I hope it doesn't.

My worst nightmare came. I heard her heart starting to slow down.

"Chris! Her heart is about to stop! What do I do?!" I yelled slightly.

"Calm down Tyler! If it stops all the way, perform CPR." She said calmly yet on the inside she was freaking out.


"Oh god. It stopped.. We have how much longer?" I said as a single tear escaped my eyes.

No human has made me cry. I know she is special. Reyna has to live,

"About 30 seconds! Just perform it! Now!" She yelled.

That's a change. She ordered me...

"Okay!" I performed CPR. Another tear escaped. And another, and another.

I won't give up on you Reyna May. Never.

"She should wake up any second if you are compatible." Chris said quietly.

Then I heard it. Duhn-Duhn-Duhn.

"She's alive!" I screamed.

Reyna's eyes fluttered open. I could see the vibrant blue again.

"Reyna!" I took her in my arms and she put her hands on my chest.

"You scared me baby." I said softly.


Reyna's POV

I saw so many flashbacks from the past. Then, I saw it. My parents didn't die in a car accident. They were murdered. And who I saw cutting the brakes, that's what scared me. Why would Tyler do that?

Then, I woke up.

Tyler screamed my name and said I scared him. He hugged me and I just put my hands on his chest.

Why would Tyler kill my parents? Did he know them? Was it just a joke? I had no idea.

"Sorry." I replied weakly.

"Oh god." He said.

He was reading my mind. I could tell he knew I was terrified of him now.

"No..No." He said.

He put his index finger and thumb on my chin and made me look at him. "Don't be scared of me. I won't hurt you. I love you." He whispered.

I lost my temper. "No you don't! You never did! I bet you want to kill me to! You killed my damn parents for what I saw for no reason! Was it just fun? I bet you enjoyed every bit!" I screamed at him. Tyler looked surprised at my outburst. Honestly, so was I.

I got up clumsily. And I started walking away. I wanted to go anywhere but here. Then, I felt a strong grip on my wrist. "Let me go Tyler!" I yelled.

"Listen to me Reyna!" He grabbed me and put me against the wall. "Don't you dare say that to me! I love you with all of my heart! I was so worried I lost you just now! And I didn't intentionally kill your god damn parents! A pack of werewolves were targeting my family and I was told they had the exact car as your parents! So I cut their brakes but I thought they were werewolves! I would never want to hurt humans without reason!" He yelled at me. I couldn't stop it. A few tears escaped my eyes. I told myself I wouldn't let a vampire see me cry, but I had no control.

"Look, I'm sorry. Just know, I didn't mean to. I was trying to protect my family." He whispered.

"Just please, let me go Tyler." I begged.

"I won't. Not until you believe me. I don't want to hurt you. I love you so much." He whispered again.

"Then, we will be here for awhile. I need proof." I whispered.

He leaned in without warning and he kissed me hard. His lips moving with mine perfectly. His hands traveled from my shoulders to my waist and pulled me closer to him. Something I didn;t expect to happen, happened. McKenzie. She was standing behind him with something in her hand. A dagger.

"Tyler! Watch out!" I pulled away and yelled.

McKenzie didn't stab him like I thought she would. Instead she pushed him out of the way and stabbed me in the stomach.

"Now, my mission was to kill you. I won't pass up this much delicious blood for nothing." She said as she pushed the dagger deeper.

I let out a light scream. "I thought drinking you dry would be enough. Guess not." She took the dagger out as I fell to the ground. Then, Tyler pushed her down and stabbed her with a steak.

"Reyna." He whispered. "I got you."


A/N: Little twist there huh? I'll either update again tonight or tomorrow.  Don't hate me lol.

<3 Carli

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