~27~ Jason

204 14 4

I'm back bitchessssss! Guess who's finally updating?!



No answer.


No answer.


Again, no answer.

I walked out.

Ever since I woke up in the corridor, I was still heart broken. I don't know what to believe. Rachel says he had sex with her and my mom said that they didn't. I'm leaning towards my mom's option. There's still doubt. A lot of it.

Tyler eventually found me in the gardens.

"Reyna." he said softly. "Please talk to me."

I shook my head.

"I did nothing wrong." He stated bluntly.

That earned a chuckle out of me.

"Really?" My tone was already dripping with sarcasm.

"Yeah..?" he said utterly confused.

"Then what did you do with Rachel when I was gone?" You could hear the annoyance and sadness in my voice as it broke.

His face dropped. He turned pale. Gotcha!

"U-uh. What do you mean?"

"Don't you prentend like I'm freaking stupid, Tyler."

He stayed silent, obviously contemplating what to say.

"What did she tell you?" he asked.

"That you had sex with her. Then, called me a gold digging slut." I mentally rolled my eyes thinking about the conversation.

Tyler laughed a bitter and cold laugh.

"You're seriously telling me that you believe that bitch?" he yelled exasperated.

"I don't know what to believe! Face it Tyler! You don't have the best history about telling the truth!" I spat.

He opened his mouth, then closed it.

"Reyna. We didn't sleep together. But...we did make out. I stopped it when I realized it wasn't you. I was drunk. She had a mole on her neck Rey. You don't. I'm really sorry." he seemed genuily sorry but there was something in his eyes that made me doubt it.


His eyes turned cold.

"That's it? Just okay?"

"I didn't say I'd forgive you. I'm still your wife. That's still technically cheating." I was blunt. But I didn't care.

"Oh." he looked weird. By weird I mean about to explode out of anger weird.

I stepped back when I realized it could get ugly.

"You know Reyna, you should know that you don't know your husband well at all."

"What are you talking about?"

"He's in his room. Unconsious I might add."

My eyes narrowed. "What the hell did you do?" I managed to get through clenched teeth.

"Nothing much. Just gave him a little chemical that happens to knock out any supernatural creature."

"Why did you do that to him?"

"Because I would have to go through him to get to you."

Why the fuck am I so popular on the kidnapping list?! This is getting annoying.

I suddenly got a message in my head.

Baby, focus on trying to make him show his real skin.


Yes baby. Do it.

I did it and it worked. 

"What did you do?" 

I looked up saw it happened. He looked just like a regular guy. Wait a second...

"Jason?" I asked in awe.


I raced to him and gave him the hug of a lifetime.

Jason was my childhood best friend that moved away when I was twelve. I haven't seen him since. I only knew it was him because of the scar on his arm. He's had it since we were eight. I would know. I gave it to him. 

"Ow Rey!"

Jason was being a meanie head, so I pushed him and he landed on a rock.

"Sorry Jay. Your fault."

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to save you."

"What do yo mean Jay? I don't need saving. I'm happy." I said.

"If you're happy, then what do you call that conversation about you're husband?"

Good point.

"Tyler and I are having just a little fight."

"Okay." He said and I could tell he wasn't convinced.


"You're too much Jay."

"Duh." he said.

"I should probably check on Tyler. He's probably wondering where I am. That or he's still asleep."

As I got closer to our room, I heard something. 

"Ahhh. Keep going."

What the fuck?!

I ran to our room and opened the door quietly.

Oh. My. God.

Tyler. On top of Rachel. Stark naked.

"Tyler?" I whispered.

He looked up a my eyes filled with tears.

"U-uh Reyna t-this isn't what it looks like."


"Really? Because it looks like you're fucking Rachel."

The whole time she's there smirking.

"It is what it looks like. Move along bitch."

That's what I did. I sure moved along all right.

Turn it off baby.


Turn it off.

Why? I can't just abandon my emotions.

Trust me.

My eyes closed and reopened.

I smirked.

"Here comes the bride." I said.


well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!



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