Chapter 21: Coming To

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Tyler's POV

I snapped Reyna's dad's neck. Right after that the whole building collapsed. Everything went black.


I awoke to a cry of pain. I knew that whimper too well. It's Reyna. Everyone in here will be fine because they are all vampires, but she's not. Her dad took her abilities.

"Reyna?" I called.

"Here.." is all I got in return.

I spotted blood under part of the rubble. I could smell her blood.

She was trapped under heavy concrete. I was extremely surprised and grateful she was still alive. I lifted it off of her.

"Shhh. Baby it's okay I'm here." I whispered as I raised her up a little.

I bit my wrist to give her blood.

"You need this. Will you drink it?" I didn't want to force her, but I will if I have to. Reyna won't die on my watch.

She nodded.

I put my wrist up to her mouth and she drank.

She stopped.

"Are you-" I was going to ask if she was okay but I realized why she stopped. Her dad was standing behind me. At least she got enough blood to heal her.

"You guys are pathetic to think that snapping my neck will work. I'm stuck here until midnight unless I kill a Rolland and a Renx. That's where you two come in." he said.

I picked Reyna up bridal style since she was still in the process of healing since she was still in critical condition. I raced out the door. I have a secret passage way to the castle in the woods.

I found it and raced down it. I noticed Reyna was barley staying conscious. That's good. Her body is processing my blood.

She looked beautiful. And peaceful.


We were in our room. I bathed Reyna since she was covered in her own blood which smelled really good. She was laying on the bed next to me. We both fell asleep at some point because I didn't wake up for a long time.


I woke up and noticed an empty spot next to me. The bathroom was empty. So was the closet.

I saw a note on my dresser.

I have your wife. Mathias and I were working together to kill you both. Good luck finding her. I give you one week before she's completely dead. See you in a week.


Okay. My wife is gone. I have one week to find her. Oliver is back...again. Reyna's dad wants to kill her and my life will be over if that happens.



Well, I was serious. This was chapter one of "Captured by Him." I'm going to move all the chapters here then, finish of what was chapter 4 of the sequel and publish it. Be expecting regular updates!


<3 Carli

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