Chapter 32: Heartleaf

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Tyler's POV

Rage. Die.

"You bitch. You killed your own daughter for your own selfish reasons?" I asked through clenched teeth. 

Naytaliana had the nerve to just shrug.

"You killed the love of my life! I will end  you!" I pounced.

My fangs extended and I placed them in her neck and began tearing her apart.

All of a sudden it felt like I was drinking acid. I quickly let go and fell to the ground. It felt like fire was making its way through my entire body and I gasped and sputtered in agony.

I looked up at her and her wound was closing by itself. She must be really fucking powerful.

Then again, so was Reyna...and she does have her life essence inside of her...

Before my thoughts could wonder anymore, I was thrown into a wall by a force I wasn't expecting.

"How dare you attack me?" Naytaliana yelled at me.

"You killed Reyna! For that, you will die!" I yelled back.

She laughed. "I'm too powerful. Trust me. You would be lucky to give me a scratch. Besides, I have more important things to do." Then she disappeared.

"Fuck!" I yelled.

I sped out of the library. I needed to do something. I couldn't just sit here and do nothing. 

I went to my parents room. I need to so something with Reyna's body.

I got there and went to the bed. What?  Her body is gone.

My heart started pounding, adrenaline coursing through my veins. Rage making its red color to my eyes.

My feet seemed to have its own mind, and they went to find Sam. Although he is a vampire, he's still a witch. We don't know how it's possible, but it is.

I went to his room to find him in bed with three women.

I cleared my throat. "Ahem. Brother, may I use your expertise for a few moments?" I asked as nicely as possible, because the red color was lingering around the edges of my vision. I wanted to tear someone's throat out.

He looked up at me, "Of course. But first, let me finish my snack."

Sam went to feed on the blonde. He stopped after less than a minute. I guess he needed strength.

After, he said "What's up, bro?" 

"What about them?" I pointed at the three women.

He chuckled, "They're compelled not to remember any of this."

"How strong are your powers?" I asked him.

"Not as strong as Reyna's," he chuckled again, only this time his laugh holding no humor, "Where is the little bitch anyway?" He asked.

My heart clenched and I wanted to beat the shit out of him at that moment.

"She's dead."

He looked shocked. "What happened?"

I then told him everything. From Reyna saving my father, to how I ended up in his room. I did shed a few tears even though it made me feel weak in front of him. 

"I'm sorry." he said after awhile. 

I looked up at him as those words caught my attention.

"Although I hated her, I didn't want her to die." he looked truly remorseful. "I can see how much she means to you. I'll help you bring her back."

Now this  shocked me. 

"You would help me bring back someone you hate?" I asked.

"I know she wasn't herself when she attacked me all those years ago. I think maybe I can learn to let go of that grudge, for you, brother."

"Thank you, Sam." 

I hugged my little brother.

*** 2 Months Later

"Dammit!" I swung the spell-book from the table, punched the wall, and put my head in my hands.

I've barely gotten sleep these past couple of months. I've been obsessing with destroying Naytaliana.  That was the last spell-book in the library and still no way to get my baby back. No way to destroy her  either.

My brother walked in at that moment.

"What the hell happened here?" he asked.

"That was the last fucking spell-book." I laughed, but no humor was found in the situation. "I'm never getting her back, am I?" 

He sat down next to me. "We will, brother." 

Sam eyed my already healed hand. 

"Blood." He said.


"The bloodline. Of course! That's it!" he yelled.

"What? What's going on?"

"Do you know the names of both of Reyna's parents?" I nodded. "Every particular Rolland family has a weakness. Each one different, that's what makes it so hard to destroy them. All we have to do is find the weakness of the bloodline. Then, we can use that weakness to weaken Naytaliana enough to kill her."

"But, if we kill her, we will never know how to get Reyna back." I said.

"Yes, we will. I can look inside of Naytaliana's mind. Once we weaken her, of course. That spell gives me access to all of her past memories."

"Brilliant." I breathed out.

He went over to another part of the library.

Sam held up a blank book.

"What's this?" I asked.

"A book only a witch or a witch's descent can use. It gives us access to bloodlines of witches or Rollands. You have to say what you want to see, and if it grants you the information, you can use that information however you like."

I nodded, understanding.

Samuel opened the book. "Show me the bloodline weakness of Naytaliana May's bloodline." he stated.

Out of nowhere, writing appeared on the book's blank pages.

He smiled. "It worked." 

He skimmed the page and read aloud the weakness to me.


"What is that?" I asked.

"It's an herb. Known to cause death."

"Wouldn't it be harmful to everyone?" I asked.

"To humans, yes. But for most supernatural creatures, no."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go kill the bitch."

Sam gave me a sly smile.


<3 Carli

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