Chapter 23: She's alive...?

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Please read A/N at end :-)


Tyler's POV

This is driving me insane. I need her. I need to feel her skin against mine. Her lips. Her hair. My healthy drug.

"AH!" I screamed while punching the wall for the tenth time.

I feel my eyes twitching. I'm going into dangerous mode. I can't stop.


I turned my head to be met with a pair of familiar emerald eyes.



I can't believe what I'm seeing. She's here. Right in front of me. The girl that caused me so much pain and pleasure.

"Close your mouth or you'll catch flies." She stated with a smirk.

After that simple statement I sped out of the room into my bedroom.

"I need a drink.." I muttered to myself.

I poured my favorite bourbon into my crystal glass. Karuizawa 29 years.


I've drank almost a whole bottle of bourbon and I'm starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. My vision is starting to get fuzzy. To make matters worse, I heard the door open and close.

"Tyler...I've missed you." I heard a feminine voice say from behind me.

"Rachel." I whispered.

Why am I whispering?

She walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Its been too long. Even after 67 years, I still love you."

"H-how are you here?" I asked shakily.

"I'm a Rolland, Tyler. I live for all eternity."


Just then, I pictured Reyna.

"Baby." I whispered.

She's here in front of me.

I pulled Reyna close and kissed her. I grabbed her waist and plunged my tongue into her mouth and tasted her.

Before I knew it our shirts were off and we were on my bed.

I started kissing her neck...but then I felt it. She has a mole on her neck...Reyna doesn't have a mole.

I snapped my eyes open and were met with emerald eyes. Not the piercing blue eyes I've missed.

"Shit!" I yelled.

"Out! Get out! NOW!" I started yelling.

"Baby.." she said.

"Get the hell out!! I'm a married man! Get out!" I screamed.

Rachel's eyes held hurt. But I couldn't care less.

What have I done?


Reyna's POV

"Oliver...please.." I begged.

"Sorry sweetie. I don't think so."

I've been here without food or water for two days. I'm weak and I need food.

"I have a deal." I stated boldly.

That got his attention.

"What's the deal?" Oliver asked me.

"Um..I-" I was interrupted.

"Oliver!" Mathias yelled. (I no longer consider him my father.

"Bring the twit some food. We can't have her die yet!"

Thank God.

Oliver unchained me and came close.

"You got lucky this time...Next time," he chuckled evilly, "You won't be so lucky." he whispered.

He grabbed my face roughly. Our faces were so close I could feel his breath fan on my lips.

He smirked and pushed our faces roughly together. His lips moved against mine but I didn't react. I didn't pull away because I was too weak but I wanted to.

"Rey..Either you kiss me back or you'll get something else." I knew what he was implying.


"Fine." I whispered.

Oliver pushed our faces together again and this time, I kissed back because I don't want to go through that again. He plunged his tongue in my mouth and explored it like he used to.

This would be nice if you weren't a sociopath. My conscience chimed in.

After he was done he told me "Now once you eat, you have a surprise."


I ate and I feel stronger but, I'm afraid of this surprise.


"Rey!" I was startled awake by Mathias.

"Time for your surprise." He stated.

Then I noticed a needle in his hand.

Oh shit.

Before I could do anything, he plunged the needle in my neck.

"Ag!" I yelped in pain.

Then everything went black.


Hoped y'all enjoyed that. Took 2 days to write. And to anyone who was confused, Rachel is the slave that Tyler fell in love with a long time ago. Also, Rachel was the one Tyler kissed not Reyna. The alcohol made him see Reyna when it was Rachel. Hoped that cleared that up. If you have any questions, comment or message me and I will answer.

<3 Carli

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