Chapter 19: Daddy

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A/N: Hey guys so I have decided I'm doing two more chapters, this one included. Above is Reyna's father.


Reyna's POV

"Daddy?" I repeated.

"Reyna." he breathed out.

"What..How?" I asked.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but first I have to tell you something. This man," he pointed at Tyler. "is a very bad man. He is using you for an heir. He doesn't love you, he just wants you because you're a Rolland. He doesn't care about you sweetheart." He said with a disgusted face.

I looked at Tyler, my eyes already had tears in the corners of my eyes.

"It's not true. Don't listen to him." Tyler said.

I started walking towards my dad. "Look dad, before you even say anything, I want answers. How the hell are you even here? You died! You're dead! Only Renxs' are allowed in here, so how are you in here?" I asked demanding-ish.

"Okay. I'll talk. I'm here because I asked a witch to bring me back on the day of your wedding, so here I am. It was your aunt Sarah. You've never met her. And the force field you had over this place is down. It had been for two days thanks to me. Honey, I'm a Rolland too. You get it from me not your mother. Is that everything you need to know?" he asked.

I'm not a Renx. I thought. It was my father's doing that let me in.

"Yes. Now explain the whole my soon-to-be-husband's badness to me." I looked at Tyler again.

He's lying! Don't listen to anything he says. Tyler mind messaged me.

"He and his father have been doing this for centuries. They take innocent Rolland women and turn them for a chance to make half Rolland, half Renx children. They are the most powerful creatures to exist. He's bad. Don't marry him." he ran up to me and hugged me. "I'm just glad they haven't turned you yet. I canceled your vampire side yesterday. It took effect the minute you walked in here. You're still human. Well Rolland, but human."

"What?" This is a lot to take in. Why would Tyler do this? I thought he loved me. I thought.

"Reyna. Don't listen to him. I love you. You know that." Tyler cut in interrupting my thoughts.

"Serenity. Come here please." I said quietly.

She sped toward me.


"Is this all true? What he's doing?" I asked, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I'm afraid so." she said.

I tensed. My whole body did.

I looked at Tyler. He read guilt all over.

"How could you do this Tyler? I thought you loved me! I thought this whole thing was real!" I screamed at him.

"It is real! All of this was! I quit doing that like 50 years ago! I haven't done it since. I swear! I love you so much Reyna! Your damn father walks in and ruins your trust for me! All of this is real. More real than I ever thought this would turn out! I-"

I cut him off. "You are a lying son of a bitch! All of you are! No one thought to warn me about this? Serenity, I'm the most disappointed in you. I thought you were my friend. I thought everything going on was real. Hell, I bet Oliver was even in on this to make me trust you more. I was tortured and raped by him for god's sake. Tyler King, I never want to see you again! I hate you! Go to hell!"

I ran off, my dress trailing behind me. My dad was right, I'm human again. I'm getting cuts and scratches on my arms. I'm now running through the woods as fast as my legs will carry me. My sight was blurred by all the tears. I took my heals off at the church, which is good since I can actually run. God I wish this never happened. I wish I never met Tyler. He's a goddamn liar.

Reyna? Reyna, where are you?! Tyler was trying to connect to me. I ignored him.

I tripped over a branch and fell. Dammit. I stood up and I felt a pain in my ankle. I looked at it. Blood everywhere. Great. I tried to walk. Although it was painful, it was probably just a sprain. I heard a noise.

"Reyna!" it was my dad's voice.

I ran faster than I was a minute ago, regardless of the pain. I had to get away.

Wait, I'm still a Rolland. Although I'm not good at my powers, I can probably make myself go faster. I imagined myself going way faster and taking less pressure off my ankle. Nothing.

I was running, my vision still blurred until I fell again. Instead it wasn't the ground. I fell into a large body of water. The current was strong I could tell before I fell in. I was stuck under water, not being able to come up for air.

I tried and tried but with now success. I was going to drown. Well if I was going to die, it's still better than what I went through today. So be it.

I could feel myself slipping into unconsciousness.

I felt a grip around my wrist.

That was the last thing I felt before I died.


A/N: Hey guys! So like, vote on this! I think this is one of the best chapters I have done so far. Next chapter is the last chapter of this book! I love you guys! Thank you for all your support. Until next time my readers!

<3 Carli

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