Chapter 9: Say You Love Me

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A/N: Tyler and Reyna's first kiss above. I actually have energy to write. I'm surprised at myself. Anyway, hope you like the chapter!


Reyna's POV

McKenzie. The one I thought was my sister, turned out to be working for someone wanting me dead.

"Tyler.." I whispered. He leaned down to me.

"I'm here. I have you." A tear started rolling down his cheek.

"What do I do?" I asked as I started to cry to.

"Nothing. Just stay relaxed." he said as he stroked my hair.

I don't think he noticed, but I saw him texting Chris. The text said "She's hurt again. She was stabbed with a dagger in the stomach. Get here fast. Use your ability. Hurry!"

"Am I dying?" I felt like I should know.

"No. I won't let you die. I won't have it." His voice seemed certain, but his eyes said otherwise.

"Tyler!" Chris yelled as she crossed the room over to me.

"Heal her. That's an order." He said firmly to Chris.

"Okay." She said quietly.

"This won't hurt. You'll just feel a little tingle." She told me.

She concentrated for what seemed like forever.

"Tyler. McKenzie used silver. I can't heal her."

"What?!" Tyler seemed alarmed.

"Say you love me." I blurted out.

"What?" he said confused.

"I know I'm dying and I'm scared to death. I want the last thing I hear is for you to say you love me." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"You're not going to die my love. But, I will gladly say I love you. I love you Reyna May from the bottom of my heart." He said as he had a tear rolling down his cheek too. I've never seen a man cry, but I must really mean something to him to have him cry over me.

"I love you Tyler King. No one in the world can change that." I said in a whisper. I felt the darkness devour me.

I didn't know death felt like this. I saw a person. Instantly, I knew who it was.

"Mom?" I said amazed.

"Rey." she said as her eyes grew wide.

"Darling, what are you doing here? You can't be gone yet! You're only 19! You're supposed to have a long life!" She said as a tear fell down her face.

"McKenzie. She killed me Mom. She stabbed me." I said slowly and quietly not believing myself.

"You're not dead. You're mostly dead, but slightly alive. You can bring yourself back." My mom said.

"How? How can I get back to Tyler?" I said as my voice got shaky.

"Just believe in the love you share with him. It seems weird I know, but that's how I was alive to kiss your father one last time before we both died. If you just think about you're love for him. If he truly loves you will come back. Also, you will be become an unknown creature. It will still look like you and everything, you will just develop extraordinary abilities. It's because you died with his blood in your system. That's why you came back the first time. He gave you his blood."

"Okay. I love you mom." I said as tears were threatening again.

"I love you too sweetheart. Now, go get your man!" she said happily.

I thought about how I loved Tyler with all of my heart. I was praying he truly loved me too.

Then, I woke up in his arms.


Tyler's POV

I had lost my precious gift. She was in my arms. Dead. All I did was think about how much I love her.

Then, I felt her move. Her eyes fluttered open. Was I dreaming? Was she actually alive and in my arms? And how?

"Reyna?" I asked in disbelief.

"It's me. I'm here. I refuse to leave you." she said softly.

"How?" I was astonished.

"I met my mom. She told me how to come back. Our love was strong enough to bring me back." She said as a tear strolled down her cheek. I took my thumb and wiped it away.

"There's something else too." she said wanting me to read her mind so she didn't have to say it and that's exactly what I did.

"Woah." is all I managed to say.

"It won't change a thing." She said nervously. "Right?"

"Damn right. No power of yours is going to keep me away." I said.

I leaned down and kissed her passionately. Her lips seems to get softer every time I kiss her. I know I love her, and her power won't change it. Reyna is mine now. I won't let anything hurt her again. If she dies I die. End of story. I can't live without her. I just have to know what the powers she has is.


A/N: Yay! Another chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed! Leave a vote please and get me to 750 views!! Thanks guys!

<3 Carli

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