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Silence filled on the table were the Lovelyz and BTS usually had their snacks when Sujeong enters along with her is Wonwoo.

"Am I hallucinating?" as Jiyeon rub her eyes.

"Wonwoo with Sujeong?" as well as MyungEun too, were surprise.

The rest, Jimin, Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Mijoo and Yoongi turn their eyes to Taehyung, who is glaring at his food not with the newcomers. Gladly, Yein and Jungkook is not around, even Jiae.

Taehyung silently stood up and harshly drag Sujeong. He brought her at the rooftop.

"Aren't you contented that you ruin Yein and Jungkook?" Mijoo asked Wonwoo when Taehyung and Sujeong were out of their sight.

"I didn't ruin anything. Yein is mine for the first place."

"We know that Yein is your supposed to be fiancée when you're still young, but you refused to it, didn't you?" – MyungEun butts in.

They all know the story behind between Yein, Jungkook and Wonwoo, since Yein told them everything.

"Are you trying to ruin Taehyung and Sujeong?" - Mijoo, using her intimidating stares to Wonwoo.

The boys are trying to control the girls, they were in a cafeteria, and making a scene there, they'll be send to the guidance counselor's office; and Hoseok didn't want to go there again. It's been three months the last time he's been there.

"Hey just calm down." Seokjin said, as he lightly grab MyungEun behind.

"How can I calm down if that guy tries to ruin Sujeong and Taehyung?"

"I'm not ruining them. I'm just returning someone to its owner."

"Taehyung owns Sujeong! And vice versa!"

Wonwoo smirk because of MyungEun's remark. "Let's just wait were Taehyung really belonged."


"Why are you with him?"

If stares can kill, Sujeong will be dead already. Taehyung has been furious.

"Where is Jiho anyway?"

Sujeong knows about Jiho's condition from the beginning. She's trying to divert the topic.

"You know her health. She's planning to go back to America for her treatment."

"Good for her. You should follow her then. For showing some support, since Wonwoo is not worried about her."

"I will. After our school break, I'll go after her."

Sujeong bitterly smile at him. "Good f---"

"Why are we talking about Jiho, anyway? You still didn't answer me, why are you with him?"

"He just accompany me."

"Aren't you counting the possible consequences when you're with him? Didn't you feel guilty that, that guy ruin your OTP? He ruin your cousin's possible romance!"

"Wonwoo is just being friendly with me, okey?" she grab his other hand. "Let's go back."


"Jiae-ya, you have a visitor." One of their maid said.

Jiae is absent for today. She still hadn't get over the fact that her father wants her to MARRY Min Yoongi! Yes indeed! She likes Yoongi for years past! What makes her upset is, until now Yoongi didn't told her the reason why he left!

"Is that visitor of mine is a girl?"

"Why are you absent today?"

From hiding her bedding, Jiae shove the bedding after hearing that voice instead of a maid. There, he saw Yoongi inside her room.

"What are you doing at this hour?"

She take a glance at the clock on her bedside table. It is still class hours.

"I skip class just to see if you're okey. You makes me worried. You're absent."

She roll her eyes. "Whatever!"

"Are you sick?"

Jiae was surprise when Yoongi check her temperature. She thinks her face were red.

"What are you doing?", she looks dumb for asking that question.

"Checking your temperature. What do you think?"

She shove his hand. "I'm fine. You can go now."

"It feels me relieve to see that you're fine, but can I stay here in your room? I missed you."



"Hoseok, bake some cookies. We're hungry already." Mijoo said. "Didn't you hear of Jiyeon's growling stomach? And Jimin, help my boyfie in baking so that you can be useful sometimes."

"What? I am useful y'know!!"

"Yah! Park Jimin, you want me to end your life? Don't you dare shout at my pretty girlfriend." Hoseok jokingly warn him.

With pleading eyes, Jimin faced Jiyeon. "Why you're not threatening Hoseok?"

"Well, you should try next time not to shout nor yell to Mijoo if you still love your life." - Jiyeon.

"But -- Waaaaah! My girlfriend is not on my side!!"

"Jimin-hyung, you look gross!" it is Jungkook who just came in at Mijoo's apartment, along him is Yein.

"And where the two of you came from the whole day?"

"We just went somewhere." Yein shyly reply.

"Where is that somewhere?"

"Church." Jungkook said.

He show up his finger with a ring on it. "And guess what?"

"Married already?"

"How come this happened?"

"Aww. This is how it goes."

Yein starts to narrate the story. (It will be on the next chapter!)


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