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"I am quitting my teaching."

Jisoo slowly sat on her bed while the phone on her ear. Just late at night she receive a call from Myungsoo, which is what she's expecting.


"I'll continue my hobby, photography."

Even when he's in college, Jisoo knows already that Myungsoo want to be a professional photography, but his parents wants him to be a teacher.

"Are you sure about that? How about your parents? Are they mad . . . . . at me?"

"No. They just said that maybe teaching is not really for me. Are you still not coming to school?"

Jisoo paused for a moment. Apparently, she study at that school because Myungsoo was teaching there, but now. "I don't know. Maybe I'll dropped out."

"No! You should continue schooling."

"But you're not my---"

"Its either me or not your adviser, you should continue your studies. It is for your future and our future. I want you to be successful."

"But what if you found another girl? What about me?"

"No, I won't look another girl but only to you. Always remember that I love you, okay?"

"Okay. I love ---

"I love you, Seo Jisoo~"

"I love you too. See you later."

"Jisoo? Jisoo?"

Namjoon tap Taehyung at his shoulder. "W better knock."

"We keep pressing the doorbell yet no response."

"Are you looking up for the teenager living in that house?"

Suddenly an old lady appear. Maybe around her eighties. 


"Her family moved to another place just last week already. Are you her friends?"

"Yes." they all said in unison.

"She left a message for you."

The old woman give the letter to them. "Ciao~"

"Ugh! From to here, we walked just to see her but she moved already without even telling us." Sujeong is now sulking.

"Maybe the moving was urgent and she don't have enough time to tell us."

Sujeong stood up when Yein motion her to come closer so that she can read the letter.


Dear Lovelyz and BTS,

First of all, I am so sorry for vanishing. Hue! Hue! I did;t mean to do this but I ahve too. I don't want you to worry about me.

Maybe you're all wondering why we reside to the other place it is simple, my parents don't want me to be far from my boyfriend.

Again, maybe you're all wondering who's my boyfriend right? You all know him. He is . . . . God! Should I write it here? Maybe. We're friends afterall. You have the right to know my boyfriend even just for his name. Oh. Don't be so exaggerated after reading this. He is Kim MyungSoo, our adviser.

"What!? Is she just joking, right?"

He is my boyfriend I've been talking. If you won't believe, I indicate our picture.

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