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Valencia's POV

"What subject does Kimmy and Nikky have now?" her friend, and classmate, Selena asked once lunch was over and they were both getting ready to go to their next class.

"I'm not sure." she replied walking out of the room and spotting her other two friends down the hallway. Letting her childish side take over, she ran up to her best friend Kimmy, and covered her eyes with her hands.

"Val, I know its you." Kimmy said smiling.


"Because you're hands are so cold, V."

"Let me feel." Nikky piped in, saying as she grabbed Val's hands.

"Omg. Why are they so cold?"

"I'm not sure. My dad says I have his blood so I'm guessing it has something to do with that." she says not caring the least bit because it has been a natural occurance to her.

"Val, let's go. We're gonna be late for class." Selena says, finally catching up to them.

"Coming. Bye girls!" she says waiving and they wave back.

That night...
"I hope he's not upset that I'm coming home late. I knew I should've left the library earlier, because of that I missed the bus and I'm now gonna be in big trouble." she says worrying, but all of that was pushed to the back of her head, when a sudden chill came upon her.

Her heart started to race, her palms became sweaty and exceedingly cold and her head started to spin. She grabbed onto a lamppost for support and looked up at the sky to get her vision straight. Her eyes fluttered back for a moment but once her vision returned the once white moon was now crimson blood red.

She felt a shrilling pain in her chest as if the air was being sucked right out of her, but a second later it stopped. Breathing heavily, she forced herself the rest of the way home.

At her house...

She used her key to open the front door and as soon as she walked in the excruciating pain returned.

"Dad?!" she shouted trying to distract herself from the pain growing in her chest by every passing minute.

"Dad?!" she shouted once again ascending the stairs, gripping tightly on the railing to the point where her hand prints were left behind after every step she took.

Finally upstairs her head snapped in the direction of the balcony, east of her room, after hearing a strange sound coming from there.
The pain in her lungs seemed to progress with every step she took.

Opening the doors with shaky hands she was once again met with the blood red moon. A crack in the distance caused her heart rate to speed up rapidly and her attention was now on a dark figure which was hunched over in the darkest side of the balcony.

"Who's there?" she asked, her voice sounding foreign to her as it came out in a calm manner and got a growl from the creature in return.

The light from the moon shone onto the creature and showed his black wings, red scaly skin, fangs and his black soulless eyes matching his horns. The creature stared at her momentarily before flying up in the air, right in front of the moon, blocking any little light it gave off.

Valencia started to back away when the demon continued to stare at her and his eyes seemed to change a darker shade of black.

"Dad?!" she shouted reaching back for the door handle but ended up falling on her but and letting out and ear shattering scream as the demon lunged forward and she blacked out...

Looking Closer [Book One, Completed] Where stories live. Discover now