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Nikky's POV

“Selena, we should probably go home. I'm sure mom's worried.” she said, tugging at her younger sister's arm.

“But where's Kimmy and Val? They were both still up there when everyone else ran out.” Selena said, her voice soft.

Not knowing what else to say, she pulled her sister close to her, a tear escaping her eyes.

“Let's go.” she says holding her sister close, while they walked to her car.

*The next day*

“Morning mom.”

“Morning hun. Where's Selena?”

“Still asleep.” she said taking the carton of orange juice out of the fridge, pouring it in a glass, then taking a seat on one of the stools and drinking it.

Her mother got up and took her keys off the counter along with her bag.

“Now that you're up, I'm leaving for work. There's no school today, so you're free to do what you want but be careful, look out for your sis and don't make ridiculous decisions.” her mother said before she slammed the front door shut, leaving Nikky puzzled at her last words.

Selena's POV

“I will never understand why humans need so much sleep.” she heard a male voice say in her room and she jumped up startled.

She sat up against her bed's head rest, breathing heavily, while staring wide eyed at the guy that sat on her desk at the other side of her room.

“I knew that would've gotten you up.” he said laughing and she sat there still from shock.

“What's wrong? Are you afraid of me? Sweetheart, you should be glad I'm in my human form because if you're this frightened now, I don't think you'd be conscious if I was in my true form.” he said jumping off the desk and landing right in front of her bed.

“Who- Who are you?” she asked pulling her legs closer to her, once he sat at the edge of her bed.

“So the little lamb can speak.” he said cockily, while grinning triumphantly.

“I asked who you were and you have yet to answer me.” she said, her voice confident.

“Don't worry Selena, you'll know my name soon enough, but I'm here to talk to both you and your sister, Nikky. And she should be up here here in, 3... 2.... 1.” he said and the door opened to show Nikky, still in her galaxy purple pajama pants and matching top.

Nikky's POV

She walked upstairs after hearing a noise coming from her sister's room.

Opening the door, she stood frozen, mouth agape, glancing from her sister to the guy and a smirk started growing on her face.

“Its not what you think, little girl. I have a deal to offer the two of you, if you're interested.” he said and Nikky strode in and sat on one of the beanbag chairs in the the room, staring attentively​ at the guy in their presence.

“Name first.” she demanded, once seated.

“Jax.” he replied, not breaking eye contact.

“Okay Jax, you may continue....”

Looking Closer [Book One, Completed] Where stories live. Discover now