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Jace's POV

They walked out of the house and unto the front porch once the others started their conversation.

"She's alive, isn't she?" he asked, his voice low.

"Yes Jace, but-" Richard started.

"How long did you know?"

"Since a month ago."

"A month ago dad?!" he shouted getting angry.

"Jace, relax."

"How can I relax, if I know my mother is still alive!"

"Jace, we don't even know who sent that video or if it's really her."

"Send me the picture." he said before his dad forwarded the picture to him.

Opening the message he stared at the picture for a while before a tear ran down his cheek and landed on the phone screen.

Wiping it away, his grip on his phone tightened before he shoved it in his back pocket.

"What do you mean you don't know who sent that pic! It would have to be the same bastard that took her after Val was born." he shouted slamming his fist in the wall, causing a dent in the concrete.

"Jace, we don't even know if it's really her."

"It's a shame you wouldn't know your own wife when you see her." he said before walking off into his car, then driving away.

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